Why am I discovering this??

Joined 2009
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Okay, so is it a secret, kept/unkept, that if you splay flat panels a good 4-5 deg, an incredibly good sound stage begins to appear? I have a pair of Monitor 3 Acoustats. 3 wire full range panels. They are equipped with the direct drive OTL mono amps. I've discovered after intensive experimentation, that with a Model 3 or Monitor 3(I have both), best result is achieved when the innermost panels are used for optimal toe in(by ear), with about 3 deg leaning back. I realized this incidentally while trying to help the inherent beaming associated with this design. Then I thought, would it break up if the panels, because flat, weren't vertically placed? So I started with a 1/8" wafer under the inside bottom edge. I immediately noticed a change. I incrementally increased the angle to 4.5 deg. I'm ecstatic at the result so far.
It's in a particular thread category, no? How's that zero? It's not like I'm sidling up to an eskimo for the first time, right?🙂

"How to slide up to an Eskimo" would be just as good a thread title since it would be in the same thread category. It was a comment that was meant to help you I expect.

If you put 2 tweeters on the same plane there is comb filtering. Dipole with an angle to an open baffle mount gives a different result. Why just talk about a single tweeter ;-).
Most solosound electrostatics and probable many other did the same. but usually there are severe dips and peaks if you would measure them. at least i replicated that a few months ago, and it did not measure nice at all inbetween panels. lots of combfiltering etc.
"How to slide up to an Eskimo" would be just as good a thread title since it would be in the same thread category. It was a comment that was meant to help you I expect.

If you put 2 tweeters on the same plane there is comb filtering. Dipole with an angle to an open baffle mount gives a different result. Why just talk about a single tweeter ;-).
I was not able to edit the title.
Most solosound electrostatics and probable many other did the same. but usually there are severe dips and peaks if you would measure them. at least i replicated that a few months ago, and it did not measure nice at all inbetween panels. lots of combfiltering etc.
However they still sound better this way imo. I think I will try acoustic lenses straight out at the center panel curving progressively outward at the outer panels ala Beveridge but oriented vertically. Have you tried this?
I love these speakers. I don't experience 'problems'. Lots of positive attributes with them. Sound is BIG, mind you they are physically MASSIVE. They go very LOUD like having a concert in your living room. SPL does not drop off per meter like dynamic drivers. Very linear/coherent sounding. Much more dynamic than they are given credit for, however when driven directly with the servo OTLs. Interfaces definitely get in the way. I do use a pair of subs, though.