Which function generator?

At this moment I am testing a function generator from UNI-T, the UTG962E.
It has the advantage of having 2 output channels which parameters can be set individually.
I cannot detect the possibility to synchronize those 2 channels. For instance, I want to have
the possibility when changing the frequency, both channels will change to the new frequency.
Is there a function generator which can do this?
It is not about distortion levels, there I have the aid of a sound card (Arta software) or my could old HP 339A.
I simply want two separate output signals available when using a function generator where I can also couple them.
This is particularly nice when measuring PP output transformers. At this moment I am studying the spec of the Rigol 1022Z. At page 140
it describes exactly what I need.
I don't generally look at a P-P transformer that way. I'll generally look at it from plate-plate without the center tap engaged, look at the exciting current to get a measure of the primary inductance, and the input vs. the output to deduce the turns ratio.
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I want to have
the possibility when changing the frequency, both channels will change to the new frequency.
Is there a function generator which can do this?

UTG962 can be controlled from the command line from PC, or even from your custom control program using provided API.
I haven’t tried that Python utility but it should be easy to issue prepared commands to adjust both channels at the same time (available is setting frequency, amplitude, phase and offset): Control tool

More useful information about that function generator:
O.K. tombo56 thanks for the info, but I do not see myself fiddling with Python to get things done.
In the meantime I did return the UNI-T function generator and I am looking for another generator that does the job: Rigol 1022Z and on page 140
of the user manual I think it describes what I need. But I have to do some closer reading.
rayma, I am afraid that it is only the phase that can be coupled and not the frequency. But I me be wrong of course.
Phase is a more precise synchronization of two waves that frequency. If they are phase locked and not a multiple frequency, then they are frequency locked.

Transformer performance depends largely on the source and loading impedance. A typical signal generator with a 50 Ohm output impedance will show a dramatic loss of low frequencies when used on low impedance transformers. And the self-resonance will show a high frequency peak if the secondary is not optimally loaded. Transformers are useful in difficult environments and popular with people who are incapable of intelligent ground wiring, but they can never provide the kind of fidelity that direct connection provides. They are not a broadband device.

https://dinotechno.com/list-best-fr...ator,... 8 8. Signal Generator ... More items