which chipamp kits do i need???

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G'day everyone,

Sorry if this comes up a lot but I’m pretty new to the amp building scene, and would like to build up a 4.1 setup (maybe 5.1 later).

I would like 2 separate amps (3 if 5.1) one controlling front stage one equally powerful amp controlling rear then one slightly more powerful unit controlling centre if i go with all 5 channels.

At the moment I’m just focusing on the front and rear amps, so my question is, what kits would best suit this application? I noticed they have some deals on at the moment and it looks like chipamp now sells the psu side of the kit. If so, which psu kit will suit my needs?

Any other help on the topic would be appreciated.

Thanks all,
Brian at chipamp sells more than just the PSU side of what you need.

You could pick up two of his stereo kits to build you 4 channels. 1 kit has boards for each channel of the amplifier and the PSU. Two of his kits would let you build two amps.
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