Where do I get cool stuff in Montreal?

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good stuff in Montreal


There were several good surplus places in Montreal when I lived there (7 years ago now). I forget the name of the place, but if you drive along the Metropolitan hwy (#40), and exit at Pie IX, head northbound, and at the first lights turn left, it is approx 200 meters on the left hand side. Two warehouses full of industrial equipment & surplus electronics. Only open during regular business hours, and closed on Sat.

Active Electronics on Paré blvd had a good surplus section in the back. A couple blocks south of the 40, west off the Decarie expressway (behind the old horse race track). I am not sure if they are still there.

There was also a place on the west island, called Eltech corp - basically, a one man operation, who had a warehouse full of neat stuff. I am not sure if he is still in business - if you want, send me an email, & I will give you his coordinates.
Next to Pie-IX you would find Addison, with loads of neat cheap stuff. On Paré street you would be looking for Abra Electronic, they have quite a big selection at low prices.

ther's also lot of Radioshack all around MTL if you're interested? 😉

have a fun time shopping

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