What is wrong with op-amps?

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Dad lost interest in electronics in later life. One day my brother and I were building a valve amp using a longtail pair to drive PP. It could do 48 watts pentode, 28 UL and 14 triode. Dad said " Lads, who taught you how to do this "? " you Dad" ! " Was I really that clever "? " Yes Dad".

When Dad was in Germany his best mate defected. Dad was in terrible trouble as it looked he was involved. After being interrogated he was a broken man. All the same the RAF insisted he stayed on and I suspect he still is a reserve. The rader machinery he built in Germany was thrown together. It didn't work as it should, but it did worked ( cold war trouble and quick need ). The USSR got cute to how they calibrated it and sent in pretend RAF aircarft with perfect English of call back locations. From this they used early digital coding to work like a PIN to make sure the Soviets couldn't fool them. Dad speaks High German ( to meet the ladies I suspect ), many take him for Dutch.

Sometimes my Dad can be seen on our History channel. He said the young ladies in the room were Lord Dowdings daughters. It is a fake wartime film of CH. He was asked to do it as there was no actual film. That's when he learnt he was the last who could. It is 1953 it I am right.
The psycoacoustic modelling in lossy compression is quite sophisticated. It may remove some stuff that degrades the listening experience. There is a lot of info they have that would help in optimizing audio chains.

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The algorithms used in encoding lossy compression (FFT and such) are remarkably similar to those used in the noise reduction functions of audio recording and editing software. I can imagine the encoder calculating that "this tape hiss is below audibility" so it doesn't get put into the encoded file.
The algorithms used in encoding lossy compression (FFT and such) are remarkably similar to those used in the noise reduction functions of audio recording and editing software. I can imagine the encoder calculating that "this tape hiss is below audibility" so it doesn't get put into the encoded file.

Lossy version of WavPack! Those guys are pretty good at guessing what I didn't want to hear, ever.
I recently made a quite remarkable improvement to my system using musical theory rather than hi fi beliefs ( harmonics and phase ). My friend dislikes it as she now can hear the echo's put onto voice and how her old recordplayer ruined her records. True to say the system didn't show it so strongely before.

I like the echo's, but have to agree about the old LP's. I think many who write here forget that the media we use and the goals of hi fi might not work well together. With some sadness I have to say she is right.
That's why 20/20 eyes all become farsighted at middle age.

Just a little inbuilt mechanism to keep couples together after the onset of rhytides. Improvements in ophthalmology correlate strongly with the increase in the divorce rate which the Western world has experienced over the past century.
We often reject a bad sound when older that we might have put up with when younger. Gilbert Briggs did tests and found people who were technically deaf still could hear the advantages of filter types which was a great debate of the 1960's ( still now ). As I have said before Michael Gerzon did much work on this. GB reasoned that the hard of hearing music lover needed the best possible sound. I can see how Quad ESL would please or Spendor BC1. An ex BBC engineer I know says the number one quality for a BBC monitor is to get through a day without a headache.
Subjectivity to sound quality seems to have both a learned and an inherited aspect. I realize that many think that it is obvious, but like acquired taste or ability to smell small differences, might be well the same. Listening ability does not directly depend on a hearing test, for example, even if extended hearing ability might be a + in some circumstances.
The same appears to extend to your father, who could see through noise, where many could not.
Through practice and multiple on the fly AB experiments I now find it trivial to discriminate signal driven excess noise.


About time that you add some proof to these self-congratulatory statements of your hearing abilities. You have ducked EVERY opportunity that presented itself to demonstrate these skills when sound files were posted by, for example, Mooly. The only thing trivial is that your statements are devoid from any real substance.
As long as you don't give any substance to what you allege to hear, your utterances in this respect are mere self aggrandizement imo.

I shouldn't bother, but I do, because your noise is poisoning the debate, which for me is a serious one. That I had to hear you talking in this vein for about a million times just doesn't make it any better, or any more trustworthy for that matter.
When it comes to hearing I have less than no interest in other peoples beliefs regarding what I might hear. I like what I like. If I don't like it no one will convince me otherwise. I find liking or not liking is often down to very small problems I have been too lazy to fix. One I have is my speakers are too far apart due to how the room works. By small adjustments it almost is OK now. I plan to move house from Oxfordshire to Dorset, I will be looking for a good listening room when I do. I suspect many people delight in saying someone is wrong, they are just playing a game. Mostly they don't believe what they say and at home are just a tweaky as the rest. I see very ridged thinking as the comedy that marks the passage of time. The interesting one I can think of is Pasteur. Doctors would not believe what he said, the wine industry did. Often people who sell things have more open minds as any advantage however small will be used. If you think science has changed and we no longer are as stupid I would say evolution doesn't work that fast and people still play the same games. My breakfast is on the table. Please forgive typo's etc.
As long as you don't give any substance to what you allege to hear, your utterances in this respect are mere self aggrandisement imo.
I shouldn't bother, but I do, because your noise is poisoning the debate, which for me is a serious one. That I had to hear you talking in this vein for about a million times just doesn't make it any better, or any more trustworthy for that matter.
When I get to it I will show measurements, right now I have other irons in the fire, like life and death ones, seriously.
I assure you my findings are perfectly real, and pertain to many more subject areas than just audio.
I can't give away details at this time, but please understand there is more to audio than first meets the eye.
I have had opposition of your kind previously, but when demonstrated this has changed to acceptance, curiosity and encouragement.
Chill brother, chill.

Dan, the worse thing is if you prove your point in no time at all they will say the same and forget (?) you said it. Into the bargain you get abuse for trying to help others.

I saw something that made me understand my doubts about digital. If RIAA is done using digital near 7 bits extra is required. If you then add a 20 dB safety margine that's 10 bits total to the nearest bit. That gives an idea of how critical digital encoding is. Something that seems should be easy, isn't. An open mind is required. Microscopes were around a long time before Pasteur. Doctors claimed the bacteria inside a person arrived from nowhere. They were equally convinced they knew best as people here.
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