This site replaces "Earth Wobble Theory" by a very different explanation of it's cause. The main argument is, days became shorter, not longer, like would happen in case of physical precession.
What do you think?
The Orbital Variance Theory ©, eliminates the present (contrived) "Earth Wobble Theory" as the cause (explanation) of Precession because no "wobble" alone, could have a cumulative/clockwork effect that could produce the phenomenon of equinoctial precession as we experience it (approx. 1 degree every 72 years and used to measure the length of astrological ages).
Additionally, I have searched for the 'Vector Math" (internet, libraries, etc.) that 'proves' or justifies 'wobble' as a primary cause of the Precession of The Equinox, and have found absolutely none, what-so-ever. Anyhow, 'precession' (physics/mechanical) describes (also) a gyroscope with a decaying velocity which, in turn, causes, the polar axes (axis plural) to 'wobble'. There is no indication that the Earth's rotational velocity (daily axis rotation) is problematic. Plus, equinoctial precession is the result of our 'showing up early' (Vernal Equinox) and not 'late' as the 'precession' of physics would dictate.
Global Warming, Precession of the Equinox, Orbital Variance Theory
What do you think?
The Orbital Variance Theory ©, eliminates the present (contrived) "Earth Wobble Theory" as the cause (explanation) of Precession because no "wobble" alone, could have a cumulative/clockwork effect that could produce the phenomenon of equinoctial precession as we experience it (approx. 1 degree every 72 years and used to measure the length of astrological ages).
Additionally, I have searched for the 'Vector Math" (internet, libraries, etc.) that 'proves' or justifies 'wobble' as a primary cause of the Precession of The Equinox, and have found absolutely none, what-so-ever. Anyhow, 'precession' (physics/mechanical) describes (also) a gyroscope with a decaying velocity which, in turn, causes, the polar axes (axis plural) to 'wobble'. There is no indication that the Earth's rotational velocity (daily axis rotation) is problematic. Plus, equinoctial precession is the result of our 'showing up early' (Vernal Equinox) and not 'late' as the 'precession' of physics would dictate.
Global Warming, Precession of the Equinox, Orbital Variance Theory
I see one more possibility: if speed of Earth rotation around an axis through poles increases it can cause wobbling precession as well.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Here's an audio-related thread about a site that is only somewhat less coherent 😉
And SY's reference:
Time Cube (edit: removed link as it is really, really out there)
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😱I think I am stoopider now thanks to that site.That's almost as good as the Time Cube.
That's almost as good as the Time Cube.
Wow, I thought that my new job title that I've had for the last 2 months was a bit pretentious, but "Cubic and Wisest Human" blows it away!
Here's an audio-related thread about a site that is only somewhat less coherent 😉
And SY's reference:
Time Cube (edit: removed link as it is really, really out there)
I still don't understand what you mean, but I will definitely google for Time Cube. It should be fun to read, since I know SY has great sense of humor. 😉
That's almost as good as the Time Cube.
There is a wonderful collection of crackpot website links to be found here:
Crank Dot Net | about
This is especially good:
Crank Dot Net | about
This is especially good:
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I understand what is your trouble. You are too serious. An intelligent face is not a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the nonsense on the Earth made with this expression. Smile, gentlemen. Smile!
Baron Munchhausen
Ìåëîäèÿ èç ê/ô "Òîò ñàìûé Ìþíõãàóçåí". Óëûáàéòåñü, ãîñïîäà..... Êîììåíòàðèè : LiveInternet - Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåðâèñ Îíëàéí-Äíåâíèêîâ
Baron Munchhausen
Ìåëîäèÿ èç ê/ô "Òîò ñàìûé Ìþíõãàóçåí". Óëûáàéòåñü, ãîñïîäà..... Êîììåíòàðèè : LiveInternet - Ðîññèéñêèé Ñåðâèñ Îíëàéí-Äíåâíèêîâ
Wow, Time Cube, what a blast. Some folks just have so much to say. Certainly an unusual viewpoint. Insane, too.
Wow, Time Cube, what a blast. Some folks just have so much to say. Certainly an unusual viewpoint. Insane, too.
I have to admit, I found the site, but could not understand what it is about. I am already too dumb to comprehend such theories...
That's because cubic four corner thought was ruthlessly suppressed in Russia.
Maybe except some classified laboratories, where it was allowed?
Whoa, wait a second...... so I should be getting paid for 160 hours of work every week then?
I really need to tell the boss about this; if he doesn't already know.
I really need to tell the boss about this; if he doesn't already know.
No, y'all would have won the Cold War.
I see... 4 days per 24 hours allows to build socialism 4 times faster...
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