What is Pass Labs?

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Just wondered as i've never really ventured into this part of the forum and never spoken to anyone who has mentioned it either.


Dis is da dark side of diyAudio....:darkside: Once you enter here - well just think of everything you knew is backwards - upside down - and inside out (like using current to drive speakers instead of voltage). 😱 ZM has been an inmate here for a looooooooog time - so I think that sortta speaks fer itself :zombie:

Dis is da dark side of diyAudio....:darkside: Once you enter here - well just think of everything you knew is backwards - upside down - and inside out (like using current to drive speakers instead of voltage). 😱 ZM has been an inmate here for a looooooooog time - so I think that sortta speaks fer itself :zombie:

Hmm okay not sure i should lurk here much longer I havn't got SS down yet!!

That wiki page doesn't explain a lot, basically a different design of amp can anyone advance on this?
muahahahaha !!

so - you can count on fact that you can go berserk ,and make another audio forum ....


so - it's not easy here ...... having Bwana like this

( we are just not allowed to be serious )


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Hi boscoe - we are juz hav'n a bit of fun with you - don't take it personally. If and when you get SS down (which BTW will never happen - 'cause it will change by the time you get there) and decide you are tired of fooling around and just want to build one of the best designs around - you will discover that you were in the right place after all - Pass labs. I am fond of saying "in time - all things come to Pass". 😎
It is all about getting the most out of simple designs, or trying to make things simpler while not losing audio enjoyment.
That does not necessarily mean it has to be class A, but generally it is.
One of Nelsons projects was based on the citation amp, which is not a pure class A design.
now seriously .....

point in making Papaland usual gadget is - as we choose (it) so it must be equipped with insane amount of heatsinks , VA and mF in PSU , it's so costly so we must go to cheapest route regarding electrical scheme ; fewest number of active parts , resistors and small caps

It's inevertable


Welcome to the forum, look around, read some of the threads, some of them are........... lengthy.

Before you know it, the bug will have bit :hypno1:, curiosity will get the better of you and you will be building your first Pass project.

But remember, once heard, there is no going back :darkside:
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