What is hi fidelity?

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First i have to say that is a very strong happyness to be here with you all.
I really feel honored to be so close to superb brains and respected people in audio.
Also i think in all you like a brotherhood, because not too much people are so much crazy like us.

But was thinking last 40 years about this subject:

What is hi fidelity.... same as reality?.... this way those test discs i heard in telefunken old "electrical Piano" machines, valve ones, when trains passes from the rigth to the left is hi fidelity!...you perceive movement, perceive direction.

Today we have 5 channels coded systems... all them seems no natural things... good but put me tired.

Mr. Alive can tell me that hi fidelity, good sound is the same you heard when some orchestra is playing in your town streets. But this sound is wonderfull, and full of defective ressonances, reflections and harmonics.... also the instrument called harmonic is made of harmonics... and people are removing their hairs nervous when see harmonics measured? May be more introduced harmonics...but flute with harmonics playing together will introduce harmonics too!.... and if you change your position related orchestra all changes... wheres the alive sound Mr. Alive?

Mr. Studio said to me, perfect sound is the one you capture in studio, you take an Senheiser microfone and put to this instrument.... have this old Shure, it is perfect to that one, and put this other AKG because it is perfect to those fat man voice... and have another one, do you remember the old RCA with moils?... yes... this one is good to cimbals sound (just example, a virtual history..not true facts...just to think about!)... and you asked Mr studio..... are those microfones flat?.... he say not, but we make it flat with equalizers and spectrum analisers and noise gates and,... and.... and....and. This moment you asked Mr Studio, what about noise?.... those multiple equipments will not generate a lot of noise?..... Mr. Studio can say:
- No, i process it, i put in a coder- decoder, from analogue to digital and i remove all noise.
And them, you ask Mr studio, where's the natural sound reflections on objects, walls and absortions too.
- This way we put some delay on it, echo chambers, and to absorb we cut some hi frequencies.
And about volume Mr studio?.... natural music, some instruments are too much louder than others... what you make?
_ This way each one of us, mixers, switcher operators, studio directors and whole staff decide those volume and equalize them related to some characteristics of market... people like this way... we sold zillion copies of this distorted guittar. REALLY!!!????

And Mr Stanford, Harvard, PHD, Doctor, Honored, with medals will say. Look at instruments, reduce IMD distortion, reduce, second, third, fourth and fifth harmonics, keep the odds and reduce others, if you see same distortion in wave form try to remove all them... if measure good, will sound good!

And we can find a lot of Mrs...... i am Mr.Amazon, the jungle man, stone aged Pithecantropus Erectus...i have other idea. Also i am resulted of natural experiments of genetics.... i have Indian, Portuguese, Holland, Italian, African blood mixed... all genetics is here.... brazilian are the world.... we are the world together... result is peace and mass too.

But i have some problems, one of them, the bigger one is subjectivity.... i have above my head, another apartment full of damn monsters children...mother said, children must run, they must be free, father said: i am trying to control them, but i am failling, no good result, be patient Carlos.

And my wife asked me to put an special reduced high ceiling in my apartment.... some plates of same material you use to maintan broken legs without movement...clotch and white powder alike white cement... a lot of 2 feet sized square pieces, 2 inches thickness material suspended with some wires into the real original ceiling...the thing over your head (do not know name)... this way, when damn boys start to run... i have here ressonances around 10 to 20 hertz.... i cannot hear fundamental.... but i can hear harmonics.... this sound is the same as i heard in Japan when a eartquake hapens with number 5 in strengh... terrible sound, we think in dragon, thats the reason Japanese are afraid of those monsters.... real deep bass passes to me afraid feeling, and exactly this emotion i do not like.... and amplifiers normally loose power in this frequencies... so, good to me... and low fidelity related real world.....you do not hear, or not perceive...but your stomach....your skin perceive....vibrations are noticed as dangerous.... if you like Adrenaline... that's the one you will like Mr. Adrenaline....i do not like.

Other subjective feeling is related the way you feell that day... what happens in the morning, what's your money reserve?.... are you in troubles.... your wife is loving you?, are you feeling good... this will move your taste... when not happy i like to hear some natural pipe organ that makes me think in cemitery... the place we put death people, others goes to Rock music to change their feelings, i like to feel everything deep...if happy i want to go deep in happyness...when feeling sad i like to feel very sad...i think this is life!.... those situations will change your music evaluations.

And about the main subject..... frequencies...harmonics.... have a bell and make it sound!....wonderfull?.... for me it is, others do not like. Take a look into this sound spectrum.... it has harmonics that passes 100 kilohertz....now try to hear this sound in an amplifier that looses hi frequency response 3DB in 40KHZ....or distort above this frequency.....now listen the bell in the other that is going to 300 Kilohertz. Do not tell me, i did it a lot of times.

We do not hear....but sounds exists and enter our ears.... and the hammer move... and some energy goes out of sensor cells... and something enter your brain....this makes you perceive, something that you are not hearing...but exists.

I do not like low volume television.... horizontal frequency i heard it very well... what about you?... do you can hear 15 Kilohertz from your television horizontal scanning frequency?

Why Sony makes his subwoffer vibrating 5 hertz or 10 hertz...no one can hear!...but can feel.

Also World is full of harmonics... all frequencies beat together whole time... and about noise?

About silence.... do you think silence exists?.... no, do not exists...if you have some phisic problems, in a hermetic decompression chamber you will hear some noise.... some frequency generated inside your brain... without have dive...just entering and waiting some minutes.

An Psychologist asked Engineers to create no sound situations...silence... absolute silence.

They work hard and capture noises of environment, amplified them and invert phase and put same amount in environment...audio cancelled with small delay....animals became crazy.... people, human, became nervous...no natural make you nervous!

Other one make whole University invitation to answer some questions related life and feelings.... what they like.... what they hate... and cross answers where done to find the lyers....no way to lye there.... 2 years passed and with audiometers and computer aid (old ones with paper cartoon perfurated with holes..damn old stupid machines) they discovered some similarities related to habilities to hear some frequency... some groups that have similar habilities have also some tastes related life feelings with similarities alike a special group... and some of them are friends. or feel the others face kind....Research continues and treat to brain frequencies...brain electrical characteristics...brain signals.... brain electrical activities... and some similarities again.... so.... people is different and have some groups with identities.

And them, very confused i decided to feel, not think about sound... feel sound... the one that makes you cry are good...others is trash.

A problem to me....make me cry only one whole life.

They work hard and capture noises of environment, amplified them and invert phase and put same amount in environment...audio cancelled with small delay....animals became crazy.... people, human, became nervous...no natural make you nervous!

Maybe it is because, in reality they where listening to the residual harmonic distortion of their cancellation equipment? ;)

PS the post inspired me to go out and buy the Stan Getz/ Joao Gilberto CD.
Hey you!!!

God damned me, can you please speak in english... the one i learn in school? (hahaha)

I only understood Grataku, the frustrated underpaid one... also i am grataku, lets have a beer together.... we gonna divide it, rigth?

Fitzpatrick, i will put something protude under your motorcicle seat!...I never could understand what you say...can you please speak portuguese, spanish, french or Italian please...your english is terrible to me!... i learn english with a neurotic englishman...two words and damn... and other word and f---... was hard to learn good words with him.

Hey people!... What is ramblings?
What's led up
What's lost grip

You my dear friend SY, what is dunno, who is or whas William Burroughs.... in portuguese is a damn word...burro...in Italian is butter.... Who's hallojoy... personal issues from me or from hallojoy. Can you speak english please? (hahaha)

If you do not improve your language to talk with foreigners, i will speak in portuguese! (hohohôooo!)

Could understand you Grataku.

We have another very good singer. Gilberto Gil is his name, our culture Minister.
He is improving cinema, now our movies are very good. For us, no need of Hollywood pictures anymore.
He has a very interesting voice, and the message is wonderfull too.
Related to Gilberto Gil...hummmmm, this one is nervous... too much.... he already broke his guitar and said bad words to people because they talked and make noise when he put out his silent voice... this one is nerrrrrrrrvousss!
When you met him Grataku, tell him you were the one that paid the first cultural rigth he receive...unfortunattelly Grataku, piracy is taking place here... from Paraguai to Brazil i suppose, not sure, maybe donne here too.... millions of CDs... police arrest tons and destroy.... other tons appear another place.
Our musician are on troubles.... please grataku, he was dreaming the day he will receive some money related to that.

hi carlos,

William Burroughs was a famous amerikan writer, 1914-1997, writing very intersting stuff not easy to understand anything, but intersting beacuse of sex and drugs in his storys and whatever you do not publish in amerikan mainstream...

halojoy was a diyaudio member who made funny postings, was experienced in amplifiers, wrote poems in his postings and stuff other people also did not understand, and he was banned from the board because of ridiculous reasons.
This the damn funniest thread in the site right now, maybe ever!!! the pointy thingy under the seat? I can stop laughing! Can someone punch me to make me stop?

Anyways, I like toninho horta (o amor em paz) I am afraid most of the money goes to polygram in NYC.
Wonderfull Fitspatrick! i loose air

So much i like your funny idea with the protude... i really was joking as you.... you get it fitz!

Regards... the funniest thing.... good answer fitz!

Grataku, i never heard this one... we have some people only sing outside my country, others makes songs in English, because we prefer those ones.... but this is changing since Bush appear. Grumpf!

Very good sense of humor Fitz...you alike Brazilian in this kind of joke!
To me its quite simple.

If you can argue about the choices made in the recording and
mixing stages, and none of your problems are due to inherent
limitations in your system, you have a Hi-Fi.

The astute will realise this actually doesn't cost too much, with
good choices of equipment, but the neverneverland is entered
once your system is better than most recording systems.

:) sreten.
Jotrl, Sreten and John Curl

I have been reading your texts with great attention.

Have to say, for me it's a honor your attention, and aproval of John Curl i will make a copy an put in my laboratory, together other 9 big brains.

Thank you all, Sreten is always making company, he is already familiar to me, Jotrl is more difficult to appear, thank you all.

I'm enjoying this half crazed stream of consciousness; my God, Ulysses at DIYaudio!! WOW!!

None of us can doubt Carlos' experience, taste and love of life. It is a pleasure to have him here. His background in commercial TV is very knowledgeable, and he brings a Brazilian temperament to our all too often predictable discussions.

I was upset when Halojoy was banned, but I admit in the finish he wore a lot of people to the bone....

The 'protruding motorcycle seat' reminded me of a cunning old timer's comments to me when I was lad. He glanced slyly at my BSA 650 outside the house and advised me to sew a golf ball into the pillion seat. The girls love it, he said, you'll do well.......

Bill, you should be a writer. Your post had me rolling on the floor!

Carlos, over to you.......


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