What is a Hickok 533 worth?

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Joined 2002
I have a friend who found a Hickok 533 in really good shape in a house he is refurbishing. What is one worth? I checked a couple of tubes with it and I got meter movement. Thats the best I could do with no instruction manual. I feel that it is working properly though. Can anyone help me out here? I don't want to overpay for it.
Hi G,
A hickok 533 that was in excellent condition sold on line for $288.00.
Some hickok testers do demand a good amount of money.
As fdegrove said $100 to $140 would be good.
Depending on the condition.
There is one that needs to be restored on sale on ebay i think it is currently up to $16.00.


You can get the manual free on line in pdf form on the hickok tester data page


Now i know there is a 533 and a 533a but i myself do not know the difference between the two.

Hope this helps,
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