On the previous versions of Vituixcad, eg V, you could change the scale (zoom in/out) in the graph window by pressing the Ctrl key and then scrolling up or down with the mouse.
The only thing that happens when you do this now is that the size of the graph window changes, but the scale remains the same.
In the manual you can read...
'Picture can be zoomed in/out with Ctrl + mouse wheel'.
However, this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Is the ability to zoom taken away, or am I missing something? Anyone who knows?
The only thing that happens when you do this now is that the size of the graph window changes, but the scale remains the same.
In the manual you can read...
'Picture can be zoomed in/out with Ctrl + mouse wheel'.
However, this doesn't seem to work anymore.
Is the ability to zoom taken away, or am I missing something? Anyone who knows?
Joined 2003
For full size graphs in the main window, by default they will conform to the aspect ratio selection in the options, so aspect ratio is maintained at all times. Simply change the aspect ratio to "full" in the options for willy nilly aspect, so your "zoom" function is restored.
Aspect ratio as zoomed was (usually) 16:9 before IEC-263 implementation with dB/dec options. 16:9 and 3:2 are good settings if user wants to maintain constant aspect ratio with different main window sizes. "Full" uses whole window so aspect ratio could change.