What connector type?

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Hi folks,

Can some kind soul out there help me out with some info?

I purchased a Helder Ta2020 Mk2 board ages ago - and only now am I getting time to build it up.

I have unfortunately misplaced the 3 pin audio-in cable / plug that came with the board. 🙄

I am struggling to identify what type of connector this is so I can make up a new one.
Any Idea? 😕



  • Connector.JPG
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Thanks Guys

I don't know what the power one is - but it is OK as I hadn't lost the power cable that came with the board, just the audio in one.

As it happens, after you guys identified the connector type for me I realised I have loads of 2s lipo batteries (for radio controlled quadcopters) lying around with the JST XH connector that I needed on them.
I just hadn't recognised they were the same thing.

So yes - I did end up order some up from an R/C model store rather than an electronics one.

Hi all!
Sorry for the questions.., what type of plug are this on the photo?
Is a 3 pin plug but I don t think is a jst type..
Thank you very much..

And then I need the jst xh shielded cable suggested in previous post, for another project, but I don't find them on eBay..
Is there any eBay advertisement? I found only simple jst xh non shielded..
Thank you again 🙂
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Those are just standard 0.1"/2.54mm pin headers. I think the technical name for them is "dupont". Just do a search for 3-pin female dupont. Same type of connector you find in a PC case. When I come across an old case being tossed out I usually rip out the wires and save them.
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