What are you reading?


I have been re-reading John Grisham's funniest book this week:

The Litigators.

Long story short, David Zinc decides he can't work 120 hours per week for The Man anymore. He snaps and runs away! Ends up with some shallow losers in a poor part of Town.

A wise decision IMO. He enters a World of real struggling people. Even the office dog "AC" gets it more than most. TBH, I thought John Grisham lost it a bit toward the end.

But brilliant humour. So many funny lines. And a sort of Redemption. :D
I re-read Shiller's "Finance and the Good Society" -- forgot about his exegesis of manic and hypo-manic Americans, Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders.

You are swimming in deep waters there, my friend!

Generally a subject I avoid at Dinner Parties. :eek:

Adam Smith "The Wealth of Nations" said:
People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.

Jean Jacques Rousseau "The Social Contract" said:
“Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains. …

Gordon Gecko "Wall Street" said:
Greed is good.

T.S. Eliot "The Hollow Men said:
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

What I do know, is that when the State, which is the People, underwrite the Banks; Stock Prices rise. Which makes the Banks richer. Draw your own conclusions. :rolleyes:
I could possibly opine about "String Theory"

But, IMO, Brian Greene is a Charlatan. Even with 90% of the Worlds' financing. Just plain wrong.

Bit weak on Quantum Theory.

My view is that that the "Standard Model" will somehow reconcile itself with "String Theory".

But, TBH, who knows. :eek:
I read this book long time ago, and reading it again.

Curious isn't it that during this time of quarantine many folks find themselves re-reading books they found interesting years ago.

I read Shiller's book about 10 years ago, in it he discusses emotional "contagion", with respect to markets in his case but applicable to other social behavior -- so then I picked up my ancient copy of Mackay's "Extraordinary Popular Delusions".
Closed the cover of Judge Dredd: The Complete Case Files 05 yesterday.

It's a compilation of stories from early 1980s Dredd, including Judge Death Lives (my favorite in this book), Block Mania, and The Apocalypse War (strong 80s-relevant Cold War nuclear angst theme). Those who are drawn to classic Mega-City One tales will find worthwhile fodder. The production of the book is a bit off though, bold lettering is sometimes very difficult to read (due to a change in page size compared to the original print I assume), and text as well as panels get partially eaten by the binding every so often, due to it being too close to the inner margins in places.
My nephew likes Comics. I think Comic fans have scruffy beards usually, for some reason.

MarsBravo: You must explain Sumer Mythology to us. What's it all about?

And that signature has got me intrigued.

Y/Yo=(1-X/Xo)exp2 <> Y/Yo=(e)exp(X/Xo){Xo=kT/q}

What's that about? kT/q is thermal voltage at 300K = 0.02586V according to google. Is that an amplifier thing?