GRollins said:
...and pour round 'bout a pound of fire ants on 'em.
Only one pound?
Thanks for the hint Nelson. I will probably build one in the future, so I will keep that in mind.
I was playing with a variation tonight in PSPICE using a matched dual JFET (LSK389C) and bipolar units. The vas gain device being a sziklai pair to keep the JFET at a lower current then alot. It looks fun and I have the parts to build it, so I may do that after I find a tap to tap my heatsinks to mount the transistors to.
I was playing with a variation tonight in PSPICE using a matched dual JFET (LSK389C) and bipolar units. The vas gain device being a sziklai pair to keep the JFET at a lower current then alot. It looks fun and I have the parts to build it, so I may do that after I find a tap to tap my heatsinks to mount the transistors to.
carpenter said:
Only one pound?
Bear in mind that fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) are about one millimeter long and weight about as much as a mote of dust. Trust me, a pound (being somewhere in the vicinity of 450 grams) would be hundreds of thousands of critters. It only takes one to ruin your day. A pound would be well above LD 50.
Perhaps I missed something, but if R87 represents the load, you're gonna have a bunch of DC to contend with.
J6's Gate is defined to ground potential. J7's Gate will see some arbitrary DC potential around +7.5V (assuming that the rail is split in half for optimum voltage swing). Were you, perhaps, intending that the speaker should attach to the negative rail instead of ground?
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