Weird spam

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My old ISP has a pretty effective spam filter but this slips through. What is the purpose really? Is it from a virus, do they want to sell anything or just bug me?

The message goes like this:
More health health workers have been trained on life saving improvement skills", he said.
It would have been easier if we had children's ARVs in the clinics and hospitals that we are working with," said James Zulu, the society's country spokesperson. "He hits me with whatever he lays his hands on," says Maria, whose name has been changed to protect her identity.
This is just a sample. By then, however, a large number of the town's population and its regular patrons had passed on. Again there is a distinction between rural and urban areas. " She shows a scar on her arm. FACT: According to Dr. Most countries had introduced legal and policy reforms which have helped to create a more protective legal environment for those infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. Comment verification:please enter the text you see inside the graphic to post your comment: This blog does not allow anonymous comments.
The are different stories but the content is equally ununderstandable.


  • teamplayer.gif
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The image has the actual spam, because spam reporting houses don't have OCR filters (yet).

Others, some containing just blank messages look for "bouncing" addresses. Those that bounce are removed from the "spam disks" which are distributed in countless ways (bold %$#& will advertize them in the newspaper classifieds here, "Make money sending bulk email! Call for disk!" :bigeyes: )

Go to and open a free reporting account. We could use all the help we can get to slow the flood of junk :)
I use hotmail, so it only allows through the folks I want it to. At work, it's the custom made linux based system that was a fortune to put together and the engineer of such is onsite all day.

I have a very big thick and expensive email condom. I can't feel anything.
pinkmouse said:
May be just junk text to get you to open the mail, and when you do it installs a nasty.

Give your system a good scan.

As usual, a good advice from pinkmouse.
I ran Search & Destroy through all my harddrive last week.
It is interesting and also disgusting to see all intruders, that has to be deleted.

And guess what:
Microsoft has got some nasty little program
that bypasses my firewall and browser safety choices
for Microsoft Windows sites exclusively.
They think they can do as they like,
just because I bought WindowsXP OS from them.

But Search & Destroy is set to classify such Microsoft intruders, too.

SpyBot Search & Destroy is and has always been a FREEWARE
:att'n: Download and Run :att'n:

Don't you agree, pinkmouse.

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