Volume pot roughness

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My system has sat unused for three years. A move allowed the opportunity to finally hook everything up, however, a god-awful scratchiness came out of the speakers whenever the volume knob of my beloved Threshold NS10 was touched.
Current funds preclude replacing the pot with the Soderburg recommended one.
I'm hoping it's more of a cleaning issue.
Any ideas?
They offer it in both 5% and 100% solutions. I would assume the 100% is the best choice

Use the 5% Red type, the 100% type is meant to be diluted.
Also, Caig's slogan is "The less you use, the better it works," and they mean it.
Are you sure that the volume control isn't a sealed conductive plastic type, though?
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I once had the same problem, expensive onkyo integra preamp, closed scratchy volume pot...so I gently drilled small hole in it, sprayed deoxit, and problem is gone

I have done the same, it worked well. Don't forget to apply a little grease to the drill bit to keep the majority of particles out of your pots. When working with metal pots and not plastic you can use a steel bit after magnetizing it + grease for the extra insurance.
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