Velodyne subwoofer amplifier bad

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I have a FSR-15 sub. that has gone bad. This is my second time around looking into it. I have looked at the board for any obvious burnt parts, and I do not see anything like that. No expanded or leaky caps. This is what got me started in attempting electronics a little further.

I was not the user at the time, but it went off into a higher-pitched oscillating sound that faded away went it stopped working.

I have tinkered and fixed electrical and electronic circuits before, but this is beyond my novice knowledge.

Can anyone say which area this sounds like has gone bad?

I see that I can still get the big STK4040II power amplifiers, so, as shooting from the hip, I think I might have a chance.

This was a favorite sub. of mine, and I could still use it if I get it working

Further information: The driver is bad too. I thought (assumed) it was OK, but after pushing on it, it was scratchy and hardly moving.

So, I don't know what any of this means. The driver went bad and wrecked the amplifier; driver went bad, and the amp. is O.K.

From what I think I've heard, if the driver is bad, it's a lost cause.
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