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I've heard that one quite a few times. I always thought it was just a joke because it doesn't even make sense to me. Do people really think there would be competition for food between livestock and humans if the human world went vegan? How would that even work?

Sorry, I always thought that was a joke question. What sort of answer are you looking for?

Given that the world went vegan, there would be no economic incentive for cattle farms. Farms would gradually close, and be converted to other uses. during the closings, the cattle would be the last ones sent to slaughterhouses, etc.

It is not like a Holstein would survive a winter in the wild. They have been domesticated so long that they are no longer capable of surviving without being taken care of.

Chicken farmers would follow suit, although in some area chickens can survive on their own (Key west is one example where they run wild).

Feral chicken - Wikipedia

I believe without financial incentive, the industry would gradually go away taking the animals with them (by not breeding more).
With the closing of farms, for the most part there would be no "wild" for them to grow in. They would probably be like wild horses in the USA, yes there are a few thousand, in some small remote areas, but you wouldn't see them like other wild animals like deer.

A friend of mine hit a deer on the highway this morning. I can't imagine the effect to hitting a wild cow.
Considering the near half million bison in the USA and Canada have failed to repopulate the great planes, I think it is unlikely that bovine would.

Most bison in the USA are on farms similar to cattle farms and are being raised for slaughter.

The near extinction of Bison was promoted by the government as a means of decimating the indigenous people of the NA continent.

This included wholesale slaughter of bison by soldiers, the carcasses left to rot without even being skinned.
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I wouldn't worry about feral cattle in the wilderness since our growing population means that sooner rather than later there will be no wilderness for cattle to feral in.

There are however landscapes like large chunks of Australia which are suitable for cattle farming but totally unsuitable for growing food crops.
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