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Does anyone here have experience with this, or know someone who does? Especially Wegener’s Granulomatosis (aka Granulomatosis with polyangiitis or GPA). A loved one has just been diagnosed with this and I am curious about other people's experiences.
A close relative was diagnosed with Wegener's last year and was given Celcept, a strong drug to suppress her immune system. Her condition did not clear up after 6 months so more tests were done. Turned up it wasn't vasculitis but lymphoma and Celpcept was the worse drug to prescribe in that condition! At age 76 the prognosis didn't look good especially when it was non-Hodgkins lymphoma, but after another 6 months of chemo, thank God the cancer did clear up.

I would want the doctors to be doubly sure as the symptoms between vasculitis and lymphoma are not always clear cut.
Thanks for that. That must have been upsetting. In this case the damage to kidneys and lungs does seem to be consistent with GPA, and she does seem to be responding to treatment.

She is receiving cyclophosphamide and prednisone, as well as plasmapheresis.
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