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Various OSCOn, Audio Capacitors and DAC

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i have some small quantity of capacitors and DAC for sales in small lot size.

1. SS Series 6SA330MI+T 330uF 6.3V (Pic: http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/6SA330MI_T-2.jpg) USD 13 for 10pcs

2. SP Series 10SP470M+C3 470uF (Pic: http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/10SP470M_C3.jpg) USD 14.90 for 10pcs

3. SS Series 6SS220M+T 220uF 6.3V (Pic: http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/6SS220M_T-2_001.jpg) USD 10.20 for 10pcs

4. ACH7147-A 22000uF 56V Audio CAP (Pic: http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/22000uF-2.jpg) USD 24 for 1pcs

5. TDA1543T Dual 16-bit DAC (Pic: http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/TDA1543T.jpg) USD 14 for 4pcs

6. TDA1545A Stereo Continusous Calibration DAC (Pic: http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/TDA1545A-1.jpg) USD 14 for 5pcs

7. OPA2604AU Low Distortion Dual FET Input OP-AMP (Pic: http://img.inkfrog.com/pix/acronmanelectronics/OPA2604AU-1.jpg) USD 23.30 for 10pcs

If you have any questions do send me an email.
thank you.
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