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For Sale Various capacitors used and new

Things you have for sale.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Majority of them are salvaged from equipment and have short leads. Some have small spot of solder on the body. Almost all have Few hours and some are new. Price Is 30% of the price when new+ shipping for the used ones and for the new ones please account 40%of new price + shipping

1) 2xClarity MR 3.3 uF 630vdc very short lead. Approx 100 hrs
2)2xMundorf MCap supreme aluminium 3.3uF 600vdc short lead. Approx 3 hrs
3)2xMiflex Kpcu-01 01uF 600vdc.
Almost normal leads lenght, 100 hrs approx.
4) 2xJantzen silver zcap 0.1uF, almost normal leads. 5 hours max
5)2xJupiter copper foil paper wax, 0.22uF 600vdc,very short leads. Hours of play unknown
6)NEW 2Xpanasonic 1000uf 25v
7)NEW 2XSolen 3.3uF 630vdc
8)NEW 4X an Kaisei 220uF 25vdc
9) NEW 2XObbligato 3.3uF 630 vdc
Can measured leads on request

In case you buy the full lot Just calculate 30% of new value for the price. Shipping by courier offered


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