used psu for PCs

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I've picked up a few old psu disposed by my friends because they switch to hight power ones. I am using a tower case (space won't be a problem) so I am wondering if I can make use of these (asuming that they are still working). I have solutions for ventialtion, turn-on switch, A/C inputs, is there anything I should be concerned about? I would properly use this (if it can be used at all) extra psu (~200w as advertised) to supplied power to the HDD and DVd drives, would that leave more power to the main psu for other equipments?

Other problems that I have in mind but need some advice :

1. Grounding
2. Interference

If these can be solved, I might save Mr. Earth by not dumping away 1 useable psu .

Those articles show you two ways of rigging a second power supply. Yes, powering the drives from a separate power supply is safe and useful, and could provide a more stable system if your main supply is <=300W or so.

Grounding shouldn't be an issue - think about it, what's different between the way this one will work and the original? Nothing except the method used to power it up.
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