I want to connect a preamplifier to an amplifier. The two devices (made by myself) are unbalanced and equiped with "ground loop breakers". To avoid problems with noise, humm and buzz I think it will be a good practice to use "mini xlr" elements to connect these devices. The shield will be connected to the chassis of each device but not to the reference wire. One wire for the signal and another for the reference source (connected to the ground's output / Input modules) will connect the two devices. The ground's modules are all connected by a star wiring to the "ground loop breakers" (2 in the amplifier and 1 in the preamplifier). Can you tell me if you have experienced this type of connection (with mini XLR or standard XLR).
Thank you
I want to connect a preamplifier to an amplifier. The two devices (made by myself) are unbalanced and equiped with "ground loop breakers". To avoid problems with noise, humm and buzz I think it will be a good practice to use "mini xlr" elements to connect these devices. The shield will be connected to the chassis of each device but not to the reference wire. One wire for the signal and another for the reference source (connected to the ground's output / Input modules) will connect the two devices. The ground's modules are all connected by a star wiring to the "ground loop breakers" (2 in the amplifier and 1 in the preamplifier). Can you tell me if you have experienced this type of connection (with mini XLR or standard XLR).
Thank you