USB to SPDIF or I2S convertor

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There are currently 3 options to convert USB to SPDIF/I2S which are based on:

1. TE7022
2. CM6631 or CM6631A

The 1st one is considered a little old and the max speed limited to 96kbit/s. The last 2 chipsets, CM6631/A and XMOS are current chips used the current crop of convertor designs. I bought a convertor based on CM6631 and I found it to very good at the same time it is quite cheap.

I don't know the differences(technically) between the CM6631 and XMOS chipsets, my query is that, is there a clear/distinct advantage, e.g. jitter spec. of the XMOS chipset over the CM6631/A? If so please explain. If I am getting a new convertor should I buy a convertor based on XMOS or CM6631A? Thanks.
I built a kit similar to this one, and it worked nicely: DDDAC1543 MK2, circuit description and Construction
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