US Naval pilots "We see UFO everyday for at least a couple of years"

And that’s what the Krell once thought, being able to handle the advanced technology without their primal brain being a problem. Well, see what happened to them - extinction!

It’s in our DNA to be primal so we’ll need to edit it and remove such issues. Presumably this will eventually be possible. Alternatively, our new Alien friends will edit our DNA for us, as a maternal gesture of good will.


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And that’s what the Krell once thought, being able to handle the advanced technology without their primal brain being a problem. Well, see what happened to them - extinction!

It’s in our DNA to be primal so we’ll need to edit it and remove such issues. Presumably this will eventually be possible. Alternatively, our new Alien friends will edit our DNA for us, as a maternal gesture of good will.

You only think you are joking about this. Something like it may be necessary for our long term survival as a species. By all rights, we should have already anhilated each other in a global nuclear war.
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I'm just sitting here pondering the extent this could be the draw of ET visitation. The opportunity to "what if" their behavior and vent dissatisfaction towards one's own species.
This would go "light years" in explaining the frequent turns to politics, religion, and misanthropy experienced throughout this thread.
frequent turns to politics, religion, and misanthropy experienced throughout this thread.

Some people believe human reflection upon this is the whole point of an ET-UFO phenomenon (for the record, I don’t).

If that were indeed the case it would be unfortunate as we couldn’t discuss it on this forum. Then again, if that were indeed the case I suppose we might all have more pressing concerns.
From the article:
The desire for escapism through conspiracy theories is understandable. And in some countries, conspiracy theories are extremely prevalent. In January 2020, an Ipsos poll in the US found that almost one in two Americans think that UFOs exist and have already visited the Earth.

That the UFO/UAP phenomenon has been a national security concern since the 40s is a documented fact - there is no conspiracy theory. Articles such as this just add to the cumulative backfire and are part of the reason people distrust the media. Ironic.
Here's an interesting link if you have an entire afternoon or evening, because its loooooong.

Richard Dolan on the Wilson Memo, Lazar, Psychedelics and Alien Encounters - YouTube

Several things are mentioned that are interesting, one of them is the Wilson memo. The memo was written by physicist Eric Davis that talks about a very high military muckety muck, Wilson, who confirmed in private to Mr. Davis that there was indeed a saucer that private contractors were trying to back engineer. In the notes of Eric it was said that Wilson confirmed that the ship was not of this Earth.

Several other things were brought out which I think are important. Secrecy is important for individuals that work within the classified world. Those individuals need to obey those secrecy restrictions or they will immediately lose their ability to continue working with them. Over and above that they could be prosecuted for disclosing secrets that the NDAs they signed forbade them to disclose.

It's no joke that many important individuals often publicly say things against the credibility of UFO, or fail to say to say things supporting their credibility even though they know better because they would lose their livlyhood, or even worse. I met Eric Davis at a STAIF physics conference.
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Well, I met him but don't know him well. The closest thing to a private conversation I had with was a request by him of a copy of my presentation that year at STAIF. This was the one I linked to earlier.

I should say at this point that I'm in a fortunate position. I'm retired, have never worked using classified data but have instead just have always pursued my own physics research. This would not have been possible in earlier eras before the internet. While others in the classified world are busy working to make sure potential military secrets stay that way, I feel no such compunctions. I'm sure the other Eric doesn't feel that free.