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Ultimate tape Project

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
I need to move on to more pressing projects so I am offering as a package one of the best tape transports ever made plus the best tape test unit ever made as a package.

The tape machine is a rare 1/4"-1/2" 3M M79 with 1/2" Saki heads and 4 channel electronics. Set up for 14" reels. It needs work, the speeds are currently set to 1 7/8 - 3 3/4 ips but the hardware to convert to normal will be included. It will need other minor attention. It was a demo unit for a company that made digital duplicator bins and saw very little real use.

Also included is a Sound Technology ST1510A It was working but I'm not sure of its current status.

I have manuals for both.

I'll include any other tape paraphernalia I have as well.

Local (SF Bay Area) pickup only. $350 obo.
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