UGS adventures

Joined 2006
Paid Member
Maousse said:
How many of you have built this marvelous preamp ?
So much PCB kits were sold, but very little pictures of singing birds :att'n:

Hi Maousse,

I know i owe you a email reply, it's not forgotten.
Thanks to UGS i found out how crappy my Shanling CD-S 100MKII sounded and am now busy, with the help of some very nice guys here, building a new I/V stage for it.

As for pictures, well i will post but i need to finish front plate of mine and for some reason ScouteOne does not reply to my messages, i'm waiting for the alu push buttons from him to finish the beauty.

Then there will be a foto session with the box CLOSED.

I now have about 90% of my all inclusive set of boards built up. I'm sure there'll be more questions to follow but to start with:

1 On the sub board there are mounts for two connectors marked sub-in and sub-out. What type of connectors are these? I can't find any reference to them.

2 Also on the sub board there are two 78L15 trannies. Are these exactly the same, or is one +15V and the other -15V?


chalkandtalk said:
I now have about 90% of my all inclusive set of boards built up. I'm sure there'll be more questions to follow but to start with:

1 On the sub board there are mounts for two connectors marked sub-in and sub-out. What type of connectors are these? I can't find any reference to them.

2 Also on the sub board there are two 78L15 trannies. Are these exactly the same, or is one +15V and the other -15V?



2. One is 78L15 reg (V+) , other (-V) is 79L15 reg
- aren't they correctly labelled on your boards?

1. They are plain RCA connectors...


BTW : welcome ...:)
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Hey guys , I'll delete this soon so that we don't continue off topic!

I always considered myself Peter Pan and the OT Mob Capt. Hook's crew!


My reasons are this- Yes there are complaints about OT and about certain members getting preferential treatment - being allowed to do what others aren't. That's one problem.

My other negative experience was the Pumpkin thread. I wanted to make a Pumpkin and found that it was impossible to follow the thread as it was 75% OT. I then spent 2 hours splitting off the OT posts to create a thread that was readable. Honestly I felt bad for Choky who had developed this great pre and people wouldn't build it. I left the OT post in his thread and created another, I justified this because it was Choky's thread. IF he wants to make it unusable It might be his business. But I'm not even sure if this is correct. I don't have time to clean up the mess of others here, and the idea is to help each other and others.

What I DO know is that OT chat on threads started by others is not fair or permissible.

These forums are run on very versitile software which we are soon going to upgrade. We could create some kind of chat function or area. this probably won't appeal to you unless is has certain characteristics.



I took this personally now really. But I am not offended altogether.
I try to accept your point of view rather. I find it necessary however to notice, OT entries generally amuse. Possibly somebody else. I feel it in that manner besides, I am an intelligent company's member.
Who not they have to talk about a

1.1 Gain
1.2 Bandwidth
1.3 Efficiency
1.4 Linearity
1.5 Noise
1.6 Output dynamic range
1.7 Slew rate
1.8 Rise time
1.9 Settling time and ringing
1.10 Overshoot
1.11 Stability factor etc.


If somebody considers the tiredness as himself and looks my OT posts, understands my point of view possibly, that all that what we do here for the music is. Because it would not be if it would not be music from what to speak!

I know it, that not easy to understand me, but is worth it possibly.


The policemen are not respected duly generally.
We towards us chiefly not. I do not say that this is correct in this manner.
kk74 said:
Hello everyone!

I have a couple of questions regarding the slim version of the UGS. I have searched all over this forum, the forum at and at without luck, so I hope that maybe someone can help me.

I'm looking for some measurements or even pdf's on the slim versions enclosure. I have found an fpd of the frontpanel which look absolutely marvelous so now I'm hoping to find size measurements on the rest, maybe even an pdf or fpd of the back-panel?

Does the "XLR, RCA connection" pcb's from vmoreau's recent groupbuy fit in that enclosure and if not, does someone have a pdf or gerber of any that fit?

Is there someone who has a spare logicboard from the slim version who is willing to sell it?

Thanks in advance!

I'm afraid there's no simple answer to your questions.
First, I won't support the slim version. People wanting to build it are mostly on their own. Too much work, so little time...
Second, the subwoof card hasn't been designed to fit in the slim chassis.
Third, the existing pcbs for XLR/RCA connectors (in the slim version) won't fit the board to board connectors layout of the motherboards, so you're on your own here.
Last, there are no measurements available for the chassis, all being made without measurements, just a virtual assembly using the pcb software. Panels were drawn using this software, printed, glued, marked and drilled.
All I can do is share the front panel layout and dims


  • dimensionsfaceavant.pdf
    28.6 KB · Views: 336
Joined 2006
Paid Member
Hi kk74,

As always François is very generous, he gives you what he has, I'm doing exactly what you want : a slim version with a redesigned back panel set to include sub woofer board.
But as this is a labour of love ...i'm taking my time about it.

I have the vmoreau GB version up and running, thanks Cheff, and am enjoying every minute of it.

Ofcourse i will give out all the details and gerber files of these boards as soon as i have them made, but don't hold your breath.

anyway you have plenty to keep you ocupied for the next months so in all fairness by the time you need the back boards they should be done.

You can have them made at a local shop as they are simple enough, single face and all, it's just fitting it all in and layout that will take some work and care.

Edit: I'm assuming you have the Vmoreau GB set of PCBs, is that so ?

In my last order from Farnell I got the heatsinks which attach to the IRF trannies on the mother boards. I have ordered the small ones which appear in photos of earlier boards. Will these small heatsinks be sufficient or should I get some of the larger ones seen in the later pics? Does anyone have a Farnell reference to the larger heatsinks?


Dissipation depends on the voltage you have at the input of the regul (depends on your trafo). How much V are thrown away...
In my setup the big HS don't get very hot, so I can imagine that the small ones would have do the job too...
But with the big ones you're definitly on the safe side of life.

The big ones are Fisher SK 437 35 STS 2 in 35 mm if I recall right (I am currently at work (stealing some minits for fun) so I cannot verify)

Not sure Farnell have them ...
Anyway about 18 K/W
