UFOs, Black Projects, Shadow Goverments ETC.

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If eliminated Pluto, Who was still then? Mickey Mouse?.......

Solution: Pluto is no longer a planet.:D

It makes NO difference. We are on a wet round rock third place from the Sun. Pluto is another round rock at the end of the line. It make NO difference what you call or don't call it ! It's real and it's there.
How stupid can astronomers be ! :confused:
It makes NO difference. We are on a wet round rock third place from the Sun. Pluto is another round rock at the end of the line. It make NO difference what you call or don't call it ! It's real and it's there.
How stupid can astronomers be ! :confused:

I know some astronomers, they are good people, what happens is that they have little press, always overwhelmed by physicists in this sense, then they do stupid things.
They are a bit immature and that is their way of getting attention.:D
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Joined 2010
I guess,
We don’t notice how fast things are changing…In the world and science..
I know there is more to it than meets the eye…when you think about books written by people on a speck of dust in the universe.. it’s a bit “human” to assume we know the answer..
One of the interesting points in some of the links..

” We assume that everything is evolving to reach the ultimate level of intelligence on this planet (man), when if you look at all the other species on earth this is not the case”.

Look at the paper work that we fill out every day..its a bit pathetic really isn’t it..

Look at the meaningless junk that goes on every day on our planet..How would we view the human race from another world..

It’s interesting in the film (the day the earth stood still)..how we have taken possession of the Earth.

It’s ours by default..because we control it..NB because we control it…our number one illusion.

Do you think that we tend to name things to try and take possession of it and control it?
We use the idea that we are trying to understand it...the hidden bit so we can control it..

Do you think the human race wants to control everything? Does that make us dangerous?

It’s an interesting thought that how we think and the way we think could be completely wrong.

We tend to forget that we name everything and categorise it..If we remove the names we cannot communicate effectively..

I still like to ponder, how do we describe the colour yellow to a someone blind from birth.

How could we understand something (perceived) by shall we say an entity that has senses we have never seen or can’t create through technology..ie we can’t simulate so we can’t assimilate.

M. Gregg
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Joined 2010
Staying SCIFI,
Here is the thought we have all heard it..pictures say a thousand words..

Lets look at the person blind from birth..the colour yellow..

What would happen if we could connect our selves togeather..

So they could see what I see and I could see what they see..
Here is the colour yellow..here is blue…this is a tree.. this is a bird..

However wouldn’t it be more interesting to see what they saw in their mind first before we show ours?
What would they see with no image from sight to filter the minds eye..(From Birth)

Communication<<< what do you think would be the choice of a higher intelligence..?
What would be the restriction on distance (If any)?

M. Gregg
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Joined 2010
How clever are we?
We can blue tooth etc..
Perhaps Nano tech with a blue tooth link for blind people to use an ipad camera to see as they walk.

Then again do you believe in telepathy?
If you do, why can’t we link via that to an Ipad?
Why mess with the body if it can receive and transmit already?

Why do I say this……..
I’ll give you a true story..its complete rubbish..
I know a guy who is a healer…<<yes I know (twilight zone music) NB I’m not an anything<<

I had not seen him in a few years…My car was driving me nuts to the point of hesitation every time I had to drive it…It had cost a great deal of money to keep trying to get it fixed (yes why didn’t I just sell it on or scrap it) because each time I thought it can’t be anything else. (so I kept it)OK hind sight is a great thing..it would be great if you already knew before you spent loads on it…anyway.

I sort of bumped into him in a town centre (hadn’t seen him for 3 years)..and he said,” Hi..then whats wrong with you, why have we met after such a long time…looked at me closed his eyes then said, “ How do you drive that car” get rid of it..

You could have knocked me down with a feather..This is nothing….the problem is it’s not measurable. And there is a lot of fake rubbish.. I don’t sway easily. I’m not convinced now..

However I’m hesitant..Why because my science based mind needs a working model.

This is one very low level example…it has been said before it all means nothing and it does.

I’ve had things like this time and time again…a lot of people call it evidence …others call it coincidence..when you see things or experience (phenomena) most of it is complete hogwash..

I can say I have had irrefutable proof five times so far (to me and a dog) of “something” (never linked to any drugs, booze, or locations) ..the problem is you always end up with a pile of questions..
I know the question is whats the something..well thats the question.I'll tell you one thing..The dog knows...and can see it..
I'll tell you something else its not spooky..and we are not in control of when it wants to be "seen" if thats the right word.
NB this is not a haunting..for all those strange (supernatural) people...

As I say its all meaningless…
M. Gregg
However I’m hesitant..Why because my science based mind needs a working model.

This is one very low level example…it has been said before it all means nothing and it does.

I’ve had things like this time and time again…a lot of people call it evidence …others call it coincidence..when you see things or experience (phenomena) most of it is complete hogwash..

I can say I have had irrefutable proof five times so far (to me and a dog) of “something” (never linked to any drugs, booze, or locations) ..the problem is you always end up with a pile of questions..

As long as you cling to the need for physical evidence then you will never be convinced that a non-physical phenomena is real. Once the need for physical evidence is gone, then these kinds of things become believable.
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Joined 2010
I'll post this...and get battered...:hypno2:

A childs dream...at 14 yrs..

The child is asleep...and wakes with the feeling something is in the room..

More twilight zone music..

The child is a bit scared...but can't see whats in the darkness..

Then a feeling of no words for it "Power" in the darkest corner of the room.

The child thinks whats that ....I'm imagining things....
Then a voice in the childs head..."Do you know what I am"...

The child," I'm imagining things.....whats that...there is nothing there its imagination.".

The voice again, " do you know what I am"...
The child lost for words says, In his head " Death"....
A long pause..probably because the answer is wrong...
The next voice, " are you affraid"..

The child,Thinks well yes a bit but its not done anything...
says in his head,"no"..

The next voice," go back to sleep then"....

Morning what a strange dream...nothing like a good imagination is there..

Again it all just a childs dream..and meaningless..

M. Gregg
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