Transformer Seat - Horizontal orientation over chassis plate "Lip Up" [3D Print]

As of 3/30/24 I have 8 transformer seats available to give away. I will update this post as they are snagged up. I'm offering up a free 3D printed seat for interested persons as long as shipping label is sent to me. 2 quantity limit per person please. Works with both 300VA and 400VA Antek transformers (or similar dimensions).

I can ship these to anyone interested as long as you pay for shipping by sending me a shipping label. To make it slightly more enticing, I'll also include a few other fun 3D printed parts you can use in builds in the shipment. Please PM me for details on how to create a shipping label. The goal is to give these away with no monetary transaction required, just a shipping label PDF and I'll pack it all up and send it out. Please let me know if you plan to use this with a 4U or 3U chassis and I will tailor the 3D print design I send respectively. They technically can be used for either option, but each print can be set up for the ideal use (still modifiable for other chassis with a careful Xacto knife cut).


Here's the "funny" transformer seat I used to horizontally mount an Antek 300/400VA over the "lip up" on a Modushop 4U chassis. For "Version 2" I've added a second slot to use for 3U chassis so you can pick how close you want the transformer to be to the front panel. There are two options as there are two slots. I suggest you use supports to "plug" the slots with support structure, then simply use an Exacto Knife, or similar, to remove whichever slot you intend to use. This ensures the part overhanging the lip has minimal sag.

The part was designed to be printed with the "compliant and squishy" TPU material (thermal polyurethane). However, PLA (much harder) could be used with the included rubber gasket that transformers come with as an interface between the transformer and the seat.

I designed this to allow "lip up" orientation while keeping the transformer as close to the front panel as possible by simply raising the
bottom of the transformer up ~10mm off the pate using the seat. If you install the bottom perforated plate "lip down", then there's no need for this part, but you still could use it for whatever reason you may have.

Attached are both *.STL and *.3MF files. You could use a "fab print house", however, I'd suggest finding a buddy (or buddies buddy) with a 3D printer, or use a Makerspace near where you live. Feel free to reach out to me with questions or suggestions. I'm open to feedback on how to improve and will keep the files attached to this message up to date with the latest revision.

Here's a link to see it in use (my first ever Firstwatt design build):



Here's the start of a print in TPU, just after first bottom layers have finished and the "gyroid" 15% infill has started. Note that I blocked support for the inner most slot but left support for the outter most slot. This ensures if you choose to use the inner most slot (for a 3U chassis), the outer most slot essentially does not exist as you leave the support structure in place. The whole purpose is to avoid a 'floppy' overhang off the plate and therefore still provide some 'support' even though that portion of the 'seat' is cantilevered in free space.



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