Threshold SL-10 & CAS-1: loudness and Input sensitivity

Some years and some lock-downs after:

-I finally changed the two big capacitors in the power supply, and the four in the CAS1 amplifier. I used F&T 10'000µF / 100V, which barely fit in the supply and in the amp (2mm gap!? I stuck a plastic foil, just in case)
I especially noticed bass more precise and balanced.

-I built a DIY hi quality DAC, so I don't need the gain reduction anymore, so I put the two 18.2K resistors back. I kept the two series resistors on an input for my CD player.

-I had hum and noise. I set the trimmer for less than 1mV in the output (plugged), and it disappeared.

-I rewire my SME tone arm, but this is another story...

I noticed an increase of the sound quality over the years, probably the new caps in the Infinity Quantum speakers and the Silmic in the Threshold get better with time and use...