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The public probably little realizes the various advances in sound pictures,
but some of our troubles and problems have had an element of humor.
For example,
we experimented much in early days to prevent falling rain from sounding like dropping bullets when recorded.
We learned to 'damp' the sound with blotting paper on window sills,
or felt on the ground out of camera sight.

- Douglas Shearer
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Bargaining with the grim reaper.


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Joined 2004
A woman goes into Discount Fishing Supplies to buy a rod and reel for her grandson's birthday. She doesn't know which one to get, so she just picks one and goes over to the counter. The salesman is standing there, wearing dark shades. She says, "Excuse me. Can you tell me anything about this rod and reel?"

He says, "Madam, I'm completely blind; but if you'll drop it on the counter, I can tell you everything you need to know about it from the sound it makes." She doesn't believe him but drops it on the counter anyway.

He says, "That's a six-foot Shakespeare graphite rod with a Zebco 404 reel and 10-lb..Test line. It's a good all around combination, and it's actually on sale this week for $44."

She says, "That's amazing that you can tell all that, just by the sound of it dropping on the counter. I'll take it!" As she opens her purse, her credit card drops on the floor. "Oh, that sounds like a Visa card," he says.

As the lady bends down to pick up the card, she accidentally farts.. At first she's really embarrassed, but then realizes there is no way the blind salesman would tell exactly who had farted. The man rings up the sale and says, "That'll be $58.50 please."

The woman is totally confused by this and asks, "Didn't you tell me it was on sale for $44. How did you get $58.50?"

"The Duck Caller is $11, and the Fish Bait is $3.50
I usually get a sore throat followed by a sinus infection which often gets into the lungs, once or twice a year. Other people in my area also get it. Its caused by a bacteria which I found responds to ampicillin, amoxicillin and Ciprofloxazin. I recently bought some lozenges/throat drops with some antiseptics in them, but haven't gotten the infection since last January and haven't had a chance to try them for treating the infection.

antiseptic lozenges
Joined 2002
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Know about the natural broad spectrum antibiotic?

I read that researchers found that garlic can provide you with " the most potent broad spectrum antibiotic available on Mother Earth ". Those were the exact words I read but can't remember where. It was a few years ago.

To get that you have to go through a process . You have to crush the garlic pod well ( one will do !) so that all the small cells break , in a non metallic container. In this state the chemicals in the cells ( there are several different chemicals in independent cells) mix together and over a period of one hour and generate one of nature's most potent broad spectrum antibiotics that is safe to use even if you have no problem to address. It stays in this state for about two more hours and then slowly converts itself into other non antibiotic chemicals which are still useful for the body ( medicinally !). This crushed garlic has to be taken with a spoon full of honey which they determined also enhances the potency of the chemicals.
Is this true ? Was the report authentic ? Don't ask the medicine man as they will kill the suggestion immediately as it will affect their lively hood .
Apparently this was what people took for tens of thousands of years to pep up one's immune system and beef up resistance to diseases. So is a ten thousand year old method believable or a 200 year old imperfect medicine system called modern medicine ?

It's very simple. Don't ask anyone. Just take it yourself during the 'viral' periods and see if you get over it safely ! Usually taken before food .
Might add that you can take it three times a day also....with breakfast, lunch and dinner. For those worried about any garlic smell in the breath you can drink half a cup of "fresh" lime juice. Not sure if lemon juice is as effective. I know people who take this every day of the year !
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my favorite (but it's not for everybody) is hot sauce.... the hotter the better..... in the last year they've begun marketing ghost pepper sauce..... it clears out a lot of crud from the sinuses for sure.... i've always liked hot stuff, but a collision with a stomach flu in 1980 convinced me..... everybody in my family had been coming down with an awful stomach flu. i was out with some friends, and had been feeling some early symptoms, but didn't want to ditch my friends because i wasn't feeling quite right.... we went to a mexican restaurant in Harvard Square that had three menus... "normal", "hot", and "so hot WE don't eat it"... i chose some items from the third menu, and, yes it was difficult to finish the meal. but by the next morning, the flu symptoms had been wiped out (i think i pretty much sweated it out of my system), and instead of being down with a 3 day stomach flu with all of it's digestive consequences, i was feeling almost 100% by the time i got to work the next morning.... so when i start feeling lousy and my sinuses start blocking up, i start eating stuff with enough hot sauce to melt down Boston.... apparently, hot peppers generate their spicy chemical mix to kill various diseases that would normally attack the plant... seems to work ok for humans too, if you can handle the HAAAAHT!!!!!!!
I believe that both of you are correct. Garlic (and onions) have long been known to aid in health. So revered is the onion that you will see it in the architecture atop temples and mosques. Most people don't recognize that the onion is almost as healthful as the garlic and I might say, a little easier to eat the raw variety.

Hot sauces active ingredient, capsaicin (or something like that) is also known for it's value. IIRC it's how your body reacts to the intake that triggers the positives.
Some people are intolerant and can't thrive on a diet containing plants from the nightshade family, as well as other plants that have their own chemical defenses. Chronic inflammation prevents joints from repairing properly, so some people have to go on an anti-inflammatory diet to relieve joint pain. Like you say, it depends on how the body accepts it. Some ethnicities have the genes to digest these plants.

Yes, the antacids are bad. You may have hypochlorhydria and the antacids can make it worse. Under hypochlorhydria the way the body reacts to foods can change completely. Nightshades and other mildly inflammatory plants become more than just an irritation. The acid is needed to sterilize food. Else, imagine throwing your dinner into a blender, drooling in it and leaving it at 98.6F for 4 hours. This has been affectionately been referred to as a rotting mass of chyme. The gut needs food to be sterile or else you'll suffer an upper GI bacterial infection. This can lead to a Candida infection, which can be nearly impossible to get rid of, and causes your gut to poison you constantly.

Sometimes it only takes a bout of severe sickness to knock out HCl production in the stomach. Once that happens, your body cannot digest the nutrients it needs to produce stomach acid, so food sinks like a rock in your stomach. Unless HCL is supplemented a person may be stuck in a malnourished, inflamed condition riddled with medical issues. People who undergo this crash when young may think it's normal and blame themselves for feeling terrible and lethargic all the time, or not being able to think clearly. Actually, if you're anything but energetic and ready for anything, you probably have ill health holding you down.

Some people just don't realize how terrible they feel, because they feel that way all the time.
i know if i don't eat red meat regularly i get very cranky... and weird.... i saw a study done by nutritionists a while back, and it's related to blood type. one of the chemical effects of blood type relates to how well your body manufactures carnitine. people with type A blood manufacture their own carnitine, even if they live solely on vegetables, and at the other end of the spectrum is type O.... where the manufacture of carnitine does not happen... i'm type O, and without a source of carnitine (i.e. red meat) in my diet, i don't function very well... i know people who are type O, and vegetarians, and they are cranky almost all the time... i'm not knocking vegetarians, just vegetarians whose body needs enzymes like carnitine, and refuse to face the facts of their body chemistry.... what do i tell them? "you need to sit down to eat a nice juicy steak"?.... well, i try to phrase it a bit more diplomatically, but that's what it boils down to.... there are probably other things in red meat that type O people need in their diet, but carnitine is the most important, because it balances against other chemicals in the brain chemistry, which if left to run wild can cause mental instability... just my .02....
Cooked meat and animal fats from animals fed their natural diet (not grains or corn) are actually more nutritious than even "superfood" plants, and are easier to digest, not to mention organ meats.

L-carnitine is found mostly in red meats and is necessary to transport fats into cells to be burned for fuel. The heart uses exclusively fats for fuel, which is why it is covered in a fatty sheath. So if a deficiency of something is affecting your brain, it's possibly affecting other important organs as well.

It has actually been found that as you are sleeping, your body needs to have a steady supply of energy. But, digestion slows during sleep. At this point it only has 2 options: burn fat or burn muscle. You can lose up to 2/3 lb of lean muscle during sleep every day if your body is not able to transition to burning fats. Even worse, it's not our skeletal muscles that get eaten first, it's our internal organs. So many people are actually starving in their sleep even if they eat well, and even if they are obese.
Hey, I am looking for a non-microcontroller 3-phase motor driver. I want to try this out on a hard drive motor. There are tons of examples, but I'm looking for one that uses feedback from the back-EMF, rather than just guessing where the spindle is. Any ideas?

I've just finished making an equivalent model in LTSpice that seems to be working right. I'm surprised I was even able to figure that out.

I find it interesting to consider that to the driver circuit, the motor coil actually appears electrically like a resonator at a factor of the motor RPM, but a varying frequency resonator.