
Yes. No such thing as perpetual motion, merely misunderstood soon-to-be science.

I suspected what you stated, kinda obvious, in terms of a gas being generated. Lotsa chlorine in seawater? I never would have guessed.

I was hoping for something more than that, with regards to a coming explanation. Innocent questions can sometimes yield interesting results.
KBK said:
Yes. No such thing as perpetual motion, merely misunderstood soon-to-be science.

Not so fast. My latest work has brought me together with some serious quantum mechanics. The zero point energy is real even by establishment physicists, check out the Casimir effect and recent measurements. Another recent (credible even by conventional science) paper demonstrates extracting energy from it. Unfortunately it's like the Hall effect, one can envision a quantum mechanical Atmos clock not much more.

BTW KBK for your best off grid bet look to Schauberger, grub yourself a stake with a small stream. Current (well yeah, pun intended) super magnet technology yields hydro-electric generators with 1200 Watts from a relatively small flow. That's 24/7 to boot. That's REAL solar power. I know it's boring old conventional science, but you have to take what you can get.
another one that folks have not looked at too large 'venturi' like guides (in and out) on ground based (meaning NO tower) wind generators. Some epoxy to seal the wood, a bit of light steel and paint, a bit of welding and presto! about 100 sq ft of 'pressure' guides for airflow past the outer edge of that wind generator. works at lower speeds too, which means far more time generating in slow speed areas as I am in. Of course, on top of a building or edge of a hill, or in a open field is ideal. They can be made very big, and the pressure relief is the prop/generator hole itself. Since it is ground based and tied ain't going anywhere. build it 5 or 6 sided, with a hole in the middle for the generator/prop...on a central pole steering is up top.. Yes, I have looked around on that one. Efficency, optimally, is guaged to be about 1.8x over a standard one. But that adds up, especially since the building of it is pretty cheap. and the low start up speed plays a unrecognized multiplier component in areas where the wind averages are not optimal. No-one has tried that one yet, that I am aware of.
Cal Weldon said:

I agree that the venturi style is more efficient but isn't there a problem with directionality? ie: getting them pointed in the right direction? That's an awful lot to pivot.

build a 10x10 walled triplet, with a hole in the middle of each as a place for the generator/fan/etc. This is the top view:


There is a tail, or directional 'tail', on top of the structure, which goes down through the center to orient the wind generator. Only the generator at the core turns.

Place triangles, on the inner parts, between the walls. These go at their tops/peak, from the edge of the inner hole, right at the center point where all three walls intersect. Their bases (the inner triangles) are at the outer edge of the six points which make up the six sided sturcutre, as seen from it's top. Or even wind friendly curves, etc.

To re- iterate, three giant sealed (protective coating, could use all plastic instead, who knows) wood slabs (simply 10x10 foot walls), intersecting at their centers, standing up. 10 foot, by 10 foot. This structure does not move. The generator does.

Their centers are cut out, at that intersect point. An AirX job would require an ~48" hole in each center. The wind generator is situated there, on it's central pole. It is guided from above, from connectivity to a directional tail, above the structure. The generator is spun about to the most efficent angle. The inner surfaces of the strucure's intesects, are 'horn loaded'. Free motion and directional motorized assist for best tuning could also be considered. Such systems exist commonly today. For a commecial version?

Guide the wind. There are surface characteristics which can 'aid' the wind energy the best, in terms of surface friction, and directionality issues. These thing are known.

The six sides always get more energy INTO the blades than they interfere with. The tips should be designed appropriately, one woud think. The entrance and exit on the overall structure both aid the flow through pressure gradients and an innate desire for the air flow to reach equalibrium in air pressure.

The ones that I've seen proposed anywhere on the net cannot handle the stresses of a dual loaded structure like that, they are all single. A ground based one is capable of handling the stresses and can be constructed with dual loading like that. Inexpensively, by the individual. If steel is prohibitivly expensive, then wood can used.

Any clear high wind area will do. I could be wrong, but it sounds doable to me. I've only spent a few days pondering on this one. One would also guess that the start up ambient wind speed decreases while velocity of the motional fan increases. Very nice.

The basic structure can and also would wisely be positionally tuned according to common or prevalent wind directions in the locality of use.
Better yet. Make the wall's floppy, responsive in their position, so they try to fold flat. But they are limited in their ability to move, so they are always thrown wide. And the horn loading traingles are made of strechable material. Ah. Might be fun. Just throwing it out there.
KBK said:

This makes fun Sunday afternoon reading. The big problem with off-grid individual use of any of these technologies is the lack of load use balancing (ie. a huge battery or flywheel storage is needed). Not to mention the loss of opportunity to sell the excess to others on a grid.

One thing I've toyed with is a hybrid wind/water system. How about using the excess wind power to pump water into a resevoir, then using the same generator switch to hydro when there is no wind?

There is also the usual hubris, virtually no one serious about alternative off grid living talks about AC/heating or conventional electric cooking and hot water from solar/wind sources. We do our summer home on about 100lb of propane a year and 400W of solar panels. The Atlantic ocean provides AC at night.

>>>Hmmm... Incorporate phi, Schauberger, hemp, etc.

Sounds OK to me. (hemp = cannabis?)
Re: Free electricity;

quasi said:
once you get passed the capital cost.


The one thing they never talk about, but all us science buffs saw it on the the exploding wire....and what that exactly means. Potential, etc. Ie, gradient, in this case.

We can do the ground based one up the side of a mountain, but a pyramid wrapped in a spiral of wire works quite well too. It's the pulsating gradient that the earth's field(s) exists as, that is what we are after here. There are many harmonics to exploit as well.
Re: Re: Free electricity;

KBK said:

The one thing they never talk about, but all us science buffs saw it on the the exploding wire....and what that exactly means. Potential, etc. Ie, gradient, in this case.

We can do the ground based one up the side of a mountain, but a pyramid wrapped in a spiral of wire works quite well too. It's the pulsating gradient that the earth's field(s) exists as, that is what we are after here. There are many harmonics to exploit as well.

Quite some nice detective work on why the wire exploded, I ran some computations on drawing energy from the Schauman resonances again it gets down to the femto-Watts pretty soon.
pardon my misunderstanding, ie, if I'm wrong po that one. I was led to believe by the footage and the explanation on the situation that it was the very high potential that caused the wire to explode. Once the 'conduit' or 'channel' was charged up enough, she fired off like very much like a lightning strike, and that was it....end of experiment.

ok. just read the article. Never heard or read an explanation of what happened. That is the first time I've ever read anything on the subject other than watching the tape when it happened. Not that far from my off the cuff analysis, which was from way back then, as I saw the tape.
yeppers, I is.

A video on how to get the power of 16(x!) 6' (that's 6 foot!) prop generators at very very low start up speed and operational speed, in a very easy to build wind generator system.

Whoo needs electrica grids, even in the middle US states, where the average wind speed is very slow? NO turns out.

Just a little basic ingenuity.

Do you have access to some aluminum, sheet metal maybe (car door panels or van panels from the wreckers), a small welder, or just a decent drill...some basic mechanical skills, etc..and a very slightly open area on a given piece of property...and presto! Tons of torque from large surface area wind generators. The costs are low, if you have a brain and can use it when getting your hands on the materials and assembling them.

And it works all the time, unlike solar. A bit o' each maybe. However, this looks far more efficent than (current and available) solar. This thing is obviously generating very high levels of torque at wind speeds of 1.8mph!

see the vid.

The thing isn't even close to being like a 'over unity' type device, just pure traditional brute force and ignorance- with a small bit of 'duh!' type obviousness, the after the fact kind.

But it still blows oil and gas out of the water.