
Maybe its a bit crass, and reading it again, I can see it was written in anger, but, I invite you to follow his posts in this thread, and you will see what triggered the fit.

I do appologise, this was not realy in character for me, but that behaviour is one of my few pet peeves... I'm sure we all have at least one, that can make us put the foot too heavy on the gas when responding.

Nice day to you, Hugo.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Glad all is sorted.
Did I ever post this one? If not, here's my contribution to this thread. :)



  • jimmy.jpg
    60.8 KB · Views: 91
WOW!! :eek:

I had read other members talking about the "memory hole" on this forum before, but took it with a grain of salt..until now.

I post a humorous (or so I thought) animated GIF, and in moments..poof! Gone. Not sent to "Texas". No warning. Nothing.

It simply never exsisted.

Very draconian, I must say.

Not impressed :mad:
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi valveitude,
If the Mod team kills something, you will hear about it.

Wasn't us!!! Honest!

I have managed to delete my own post a couple times without knowing how I did it. It's always a possibility, especially if you are flipping through quickly.

valveitude said:

Depends on how "dark" you like your funny :D

Most beer swillin' engineer types I know would appreciate it.

My humour is very dark, or, er, unimpressive to others at some time. Somtimes seen in bad taste. Your post borders on that. Can't fault you on that, it's likely take you quite some time to figure out why it tickles your funny bone and three time longer for us to figure out why. :D Such is life. I sorta get it, and am amused by the dark part, at the very least. Perhaps a few years from now, it might be some other person of current note, who's fame is streching to infamy as well....

Nordic: Actually, Cal's humor here is right, er.. on topic with the whole thing. Sort of. We seem to be batting about a dark bit of humour back and forth, and a few others might not be getting it. Methinks you might not be getting it exactly....

Cal's comment is sort of related to the possible idea that the plane is too full to have that idea 'fly' ie, loaded own with too much fecal matter. Or something of a simlar nature. There are about three ways to interpret it, which is what adds to the fun of it. What he is exactly to referring to is not clear, which makes it even more fun. So I tossed one back, Which seems to have amused the hell out of anatech.