
To do the same thing over and over again is not only boredom: it is to be controlled by rather than to control what you do.





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Nah, it's the 'murica 'tween the top and bottom 'muricas. Y U so propah!?

EDIT: I was not trying to say anything except that where I live, those things are pets. Do not be offended, please.

i'm allways offended. relieves boredom.

much better than 'tv' (mostly)

murica -

in central, and south america,

ferrets 'probly look more like food.


something else -

there was a story about Stradivarius violins and one from another Cremona based luthier.

At one point they interjected that in a double blind playing and listening test

musicians couldn't distinguish between the world's most prized Stradivarius

and a run of the mill modern, well made violiln.

Now does that tell you "all violins play and sound the same"

and that musicians are FOOLS to pay millions when a few $1000 will do?

OR does it tell that double blind tests that produce STUPID results

tell you that perhaps double blind testing of everything is a STUPID concept?

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