This is what Really Causes Heart Disease

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World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong.. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries,today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.

World Renowned Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease - Australian National Review

Brilliant info :up:
It is the inflammation of the arterial walls and the immune system response to it that results in the formation of arterial plaque that is the root of most heart disease.

As stated eating a diet of nearly pure saturated animal fat does not result in heart disease. The Eskimos and Intuits in Alaska have consumed mostly seal and whale fat for it's high caloric content for hundreds of years. Heart disease did not exist in their population until American processed foods were introduced.

The combination of sugar and Omega 6 fats are particularly bad for producing arterial plaque, although the combination of saturated animal fats and sugar may be almost as bad in some people.

In the quest for cheap foods with a long shelf life, two particularly toxic ingredients were invented. HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, and Trans - fats. Avoid both!

HFCS is a sugar compound that does not evoke the same insulin response as glucose. Therefore the sugar molecules spend more time in the bloodstream looking to cause trouble.

Trans - fats are a man made molecule created by subjecting corn oil (omega 6) to a process known as hydrogenation. I turns a liquid oil into a spreadable paste that we call margarine. Most trans fats are gone, but they have been replaced by new man made molecules with unknown health consequences.

I believe that this article is mostly correct. There are large economic forces at work protecting the status quo, especially big pharma's profits in statins, so change will be slow to adopt.
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Joined 2008
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It is the inflammation of the arterial walls and the immune system response to it that results in the formation of arterial plaque that is the root of most heart disease.

As stated eating a diet of nearly pure saturated animal fat does not result in heart disease. The Eskimos and Intuits in Alaska have consumed mostly seal and whale fat for it's high caloric content for hundreds of years. Heart disease did not exist in their population until American processed foods were introduced.

The combination of sugar and Omega 6 fats are particularly bad for producing arterial plaque, although the combination of saturated animal fats and sugar may be almost as bad in some people.

In the quest for cheap foods with a long shelf life, two particularly toxic ingredients were invented. HFCS, high fructose corn syrup, and Trans - fats. Avoid both!

HFCS is a sugar compound that does not evoke the same insulin response as glucose. Therefore the sugar molecules spend more time in the bloodstream looking to cause trouble.

Trans - fats are a man made molecule created by subjecting corn oil (omega 6) to a process known as hydrogenation. I turns a liquid oil into a spreadable paste that we call margarine. Most trans fats are gone, but they have been replaced by new man made molecules with unknown health consequences.

I believe that this article is mostly correct. There are large economic forces at work protecting the status quo, especially big pharma's profits in statins, so change will be slow to adopt.

Since venturing into the first health food stores around 45 years ago (mostly worn and creaky wooden floored, full of bulk bins back then, none of that spiffy energy bar foil wrapped stuff) I've noticed that many things that first appeared on the health store book rack as kind of whacko, channeled from space beings conspiracy theory have ended up as common knowledge in the mainstream , I dunno, what is it, somewhere between fifteen and thirty? years later.

There's a dermatologist named Perricone who published around the year 2000 about inflamation caused by high glycemic foods and trans-fats etc as the accelerator of aging. 17 years later we're going "Huh? What'd he say?"
Joined 2002
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If that is the case, then I'm better off eating Lard, Olive oil, and butter.

About 10 years ago I had a mild heart 'attack'. I was hospitalized and then told that I should have 6 tabs every day for the rest of my life and no eggs, no oils , butter , etc ! After getting back home I felt worse after a month. Checked the Net and all the problems I had were side effect of the medicines. These were worse than how I felt after I had my problem. Interestingly the blood pressure medication ( THREE of them !) said that if taken over a long time like 10 years it would slowly weaken the capillaries and they would eventually start breaking causing internal bleeding and death ! I told my doc about this and he said don't read what's on the NET! But in 2 months I scaled down the medication and stopped them completely !I replaced them with natural things like crushed garlic and honey and cinnamon powder and honey and plenty of exercise. I have had no heart issues since . Been checking every year ! In addition about 6 years ago I switched to cooking everything in coconut oil, butter or clarified butter and a few other cold pressed oils like mustard oil ( to fry fish) and sesame oil. My cholesterol levels came down ! It wasn't very high in the first place. I think people of the past got things right. Modern man screwed things up !
But MOST important is the daily exercise part. Walking being the best if there isn't any other way to do it! Aerobics will kill your joints eventually ! Of course it's essential to keep your weight down to what's acceptable for your height.Just doing that will bring the BP down to normal in most cases. Remember the Chinese approach....walk 10,000 steps a day ( or equivalent effort I guess !).
I read somewhere that Lard was actually very good !
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Eating lard? Utter nonsense.

This is the real deal: not "anecdotic evidence" as supplied above, based on "samples of one" , but statistically proven, real facts easy to check by anybody:
* World´s Nation with most Centenarians and oldest people, period.
* such a high Longevity that it becomes a problem.
* over 30% population above 65 (USA 8.5%)
* people working in agriculture , by hand, at 92
Work until you're 100 - Japan's Incredible Life Expectancy (2010) - YouTube
One problem I see with the Do No Buy list is a comparison of lead and cadmium in chocolate with California requirements for water.

While I agree any lead or cadmium is bad, the fact is that the contaminants are so widespread as to be everywhere.

64 oz of water a day is necessary, but I don't even eat 6.4 oz of chocolate per day, probably more like .64oz per day, so the levels would need to be 100X the water limit for me to consume the same amount.

Furthermore, no levels are listed in the original article at the As You Sow web site.

Kind of an apple to orange comparison.
Well; functional medicine is definitely under attack! :)

Before Sir Isaac Newton formulated his Laws, Physics was in the same state like medicine now, i.e. huge volume of cases and recipes, and of course he was under the same attack of those who were disagree with simplicity of his laws, or even were deeply offended by them! :D
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