This is all going terribly wrong

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Re: When they become inflamed, hemorrhoids can

Peter, I thought the point of moderation was to prevent such exchages not inflame them. If a moderator has a problem with me come to me to talk about it instead of letting someone else get in the middle of it to make things. Jocko is not the one to to go to the sin bin. You sat are your but and let this whole thing get out of hand and still are dealing with it. this is The biggest case of double standards I have ever seen. Nania deserves twice the stay that Jocko does if Jocko deseves any at all. If the moderators had shown any spine at all, it never would have got the point of him having to stick up for me.

Perhaps you can put me in the sin bin as well. I would go gladly just to see a moderator do something, even the wrong thing.

For the record no moderator has Emailed me about any of this or responded to my Email on the subject. [/B]

Maybe you should fix you e-mail address? I've been trying to contact you on many occasions, but it always came back.

In the exchange like that, it's really hard to predict how it will turn out. And when it gets too heated, it's sometimes too late to do anything, unless a mod gets blamed with taking sides or censorship. And I'm not sure if it was totally personal attack that goes under forum rules. You could always reported it to us and we would act differently. You have to agree that you took the matter in your hands, by starting discusssion (or rather an exchange), and again, I didn't want to interfere. But I learned my lesson too.
Joined 2002
Fred, I also tried to contact you as well on another matter, and my mail has been bounced too.

I have also not seen any mails from you, via the board or otherwise, and if you wish to mail me privately to talk this through, as I was not involved in these events, please do so.

In fact if any member wishes to do so, then feel free, the door is open;)
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Fred, what's to fix?
It always worked for me...

While I'm at it:

No sinbinning please, and hats off to Peter Daniel, David Dllugos and all the others for handling it so well.

I guess that with my temper I might have popped an entire fusebox already.:rolleyes:

Meanwhile back at the forum....


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Joined 2002
Hi All,

Thanks for the well wishes. To shed a little light without being too long, I had surgery on my (No Jam, not there) cervical spine about 6 weeks ago. It was rather intense, and I am just now getting over the hump and the healing is taking hold. I should be back in circulation in a few weeks. The worst part is that I haven’t been able to drive since the surgery and can only walk for 20 minutes or so at a time, so I have a severe case of cabin fever.


It was a car (whiplash) about 10 years ago and it went uncheck until my hands and feet started to go numb about 8 months ago.

Rodd Yamashita
Food fight?

I accidentally posted this pic in the wrong thread earlier.....and since you may have missed it..........

Guess where I sat in this picture from my high school yearbook.

Phred gets to buy the winner pizza. Unless it is Jam. Then he buys for both of us.

(Sorry for "crapping" in 2 threads today. My mistake.)



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I accidentally posted this pic in the wrong thread earlier.....and since you may have missed it..........
I'm assuming that you had a chance to read the reply I made to that post so I won't repeat it here :)

Curious members may ask the mods to return that thread to an active part of the forum where the membership can view it. I can no longer find it so I can only assume that they have decided in their combined wisdom to move its entirety to Texas. The membership fortunate enough to HAVE read it may draw their own conclusion as to the reason it was moved. The thread was called "Fly me to the moon: 6181/inverted gainclone integrated" or something like that.
nania said:

Curious members may ask the mods to return that thread to an active part of the forum where the membership can view it. I can no longer find it so I can only assume that they have decided in their combined wisdom to move its entirety to Texas. The membership fortunate enough to HAVE read it may draw their own conclusion as to the reason it was moved. The thread was called "Fly me to the moon: 6181/inverted gainclone integrated" or something like that.

Since the members started to draw their conclusions, I decided to move it to Texas. I believe you can still read it there:
na na na na na nania

The membership UNFORTUNATE enough to HAVE read it will all draw the same conclusion as to the reason it was moved. It would be something along the lines of why newspapers print retractions on page 17E in small print. If they want to send it to the real Texas, I believe Jocko and I can find an abandoned well to drop him ...... er I mean it into. Sorry about that Freudian slip. For those who haven't read it I would recommend Vogon poetry as a more satisfying use of your time.


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Freudian Slip?


About a week ago I broke my ankle (in three places) and was in the hospital
for several days. My first night in the hospital, after having surgery to
rejoin my bones with pins and plates and such, I was in a great deal of pain
and quite immobile. My nurse for that first night was a very nice 50ish
lady with a strong German accent. At one point in the middle of the night she
came in to give me a shot of morphine. She asked where I would like the shot
and I pointed to my right thigh. I slid my blankets down and she lifted my
gown. With my gown raised, she uttered the words "ok, small *****," and
proceeded with the injection. I'm still not sure whether her words were meant
to warn me of the upcoming pain or as an editorial comment.


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