Things you hate

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I hate the fact that "language professionals" like journalists and others use words like "hate" and "love", but no intermediate words like 'dislike' or 'like'. The end result is that the vocabulary of the ordinary citizen (at least in Sweden where I live) is severely limited. If you mix a limited vocabulary with fast electronic means of communicating, you get quite some conflicts...

While watching TV with my children, I've noticed that the words used were all at either end of the scale, like 'hate' vs 'love'. Because of this brainwashing, TV access is now strictly limited.

I think the transformation of the language to black-and-white-extremes are done on purpose by the powers-that-are, and the aim is to make the masses dumber.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
I hate what happened today:

On our local mountain, where we go snowboarding since 12 years, some guy showed up and roped off a huge (!) area of the backcountry (backcountry, no slope, nada) because he wanted the powder for some stupid race on saturday (today is thursday) to remain untouched. Of course he did not have the right to to this nor did he obtain our approval (it's alpine terrain at last).
So we entered the area and he completely freaked out, comletely. Never ever before I've seen somebody freak out like that. Poor guy, we did that like 15 times. Tomorrow will be the same.

So, in short, I hate stupid people.


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1) When people act as if they know something about a particular topic, but don't. This seems to happen fairly often with audio... And I would speculate that they don't actually know that they don't know what they're talking about.

2) When the movies get something totally wrong even though it would have been just as easy to get it right. I think a lot of misconceptions start this way. I applaud, however, when they make the effort to get it right (which doesn't seem to be as often!)

3) "Hi-fi" equipment at mass retailers, designed to "look cool" but is absolute junk.

4) Ported speakers, for the most part. More LF, perhaps. But slow, mushy and bloated LF. Yes, I have heard good ported speakers. Not very often. But unfortunately, like for most other aspects of audio, something other than quality is what seems to sell. Just look at cassettes in the 1970s, MP3, etc. So OK, people want "more bass" so that means we can hardly find a decent pair of acoustic suspension speakers on the market? I guess if it were easy, we woulnd't have to make our own stuff sometimes.

5) CDs re-issues where the wrong masters were used. Back in the 1980s and into the 1990s, lots and lots of older recordings were re-issued on CD. Unfortunately, they often did not go to the right source, but instead used copy masters. Or worse, they used LP master tapes that were pre-EQd for LP cutting. Ouch! I suspect that this is one of the reasons that many people have felt that "CDs don't sound as good as analog".

6) Record companies. Let's get real, people. Apple has shown the way of the future for music distribution, legally and profitably. And still the record companies want to try and preserve the old ways. Stop over-charging consumers and trying to protect an antiquated infrastructure!!! It's over! Wake up! OK, don't. But then don't cry the blues and try to sue everybody, or gouge the people that have contributed something worthwhile (i.e. Apple).

7) TV. It just sucks. Frontline on PBS and The Simpsons appear to be the only shows worth watching any more.

8) Commercials in movie theaters. I pay $9 to see a movie and then have to sit through five minutes of commercials? I don't think so. And the industry cries about the decline in movie theater attendance. Hmmm.

9) I agree that people who drive two slowly in the left lane (right lane on island countries ;) ) are a pain. But at the same time, people who drive obviously too fast, tailgate, and take chances with all of our lives while on the road deserve to have their licenses taken away. Please, leave earlier, slow down, cut down on the coffee and , well, SLOW DOWN!

10) People who assume that because they've heard of a brand (say, Bose, for instance) it must be good, when if they've never heard of a brand (say Krell, for instance) that it's probably not any good.

OK, enough for now...

I hate the fact that my employer hasn't payed my for the 3 months of work i have allready done. this in turns leads to a lot of economic frustration. which i altso hate. and lasty, i hate the prices charged for games, cd's and dvd's. i will not under any circumstances pay any more than 10 dollars per film\cd or 25 for a game.
5) CDs re-issues where the wrong masters were used. Back in the 1980s and into the 1990s, lots and lots of older recordings were re-issued on CD. Unfortunately, they often did not go to the right source, but instead used copy masters.

Agree, and...

people who drive obviously too fast, tailgate, and take chances with all of our lives while on the road deserve to have their licenses taken away. Please, leave earlier, slow down, cut down on the coffee and , well, SLOW DOWN!

... completely agree :)
I should have thought about those.

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