Things important to be said..helped by Mr. John Mateus to express things.

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I hope moderators can keep this alive, without move for some hours, as message is important and i will refer to this message in the future.... will have a short cut to this message in my mails.

I want to let forum friends well informed about my testing conditions, and
Things that use to happen in my side.

Because I already produced more than 3K amplifiers
Because I do this as a hobbie, for fun, and really dirty and fast
Because I use to talk alike a parrot, and real speaking non censored is used
Because I already produced threads to show some amplifier`s qualities
Because I am lucky as a hell man, and all the good guys use to come to me

Because of those factors and others that will be too long to say, usually happens
Arriving in my mail asking me to listen their amplifiers and to evaluate them, some
Of them ask me clearly to inform them, and others ask also to publish something about

Those guys that arrived in my mail box, normally wants to listen my own, personal
Evaluation because they felt something on me…maybe they like the bad English I use,
Maybe because I use to be simple and to discuss some Mythic things we have in our
Hobbie….that is also a profession for some of those guys.

Some guys arrived in my place asking to help them to develop things, as I have many
Amplifier samples, and I use A to B comparison as a religion, they decide to use
This reference amplifiers I have, to know their advantages and disadvantages related
My reference amplifiers…and those are Aksa, Gem, Symassym 4 and 5.,Jlh 1969,Old Leach amp,,LM3875,Holton Mosfets, Chocoholic,Tetha from Bora
,Cyrus, Gradiente 366 from Brazil….those ones have their own values and they are not in
The other of quality or my preference order.

This way i have made some listening cooperation to Michael Bittner, also I had assemble
Many from Hugh`s prototypes, also I have helped Graham Maynard, being a pair of ears
For them, in special Graham when arrived to me, could not assemble his ideas because health problems…..from those guys I received thanks, and from Hugh I receive 2 boards
Free because of the help given directly to him assembling Beta models… the comments
I have maid where not paid….or if you prefer… they paid me with friendly actitudes, nice behavior and included themselves in my brotherhood of close friends….no payment
Can be bigger than that!

There are people that arrive in my mail box telling wonderfull things about their amplifier, saying that can kill this unit, that can eat that other in the breakfast and those
Things…..i do not construct nothing to those guys that want to win other guys.

I do not want to be a killer related to no one, so, when I had many friends producing at same time, I use to listen and to publish only the qualities of their amplifiers…the weak points were suppressed and informed directly to the interested designers.

Why that?.... why not to tell the amplifier`s problems?

Because all them have their defects, their weak points and this is something very
Subjective, opinions from me and my friends, using my reference speakers, my defective
Listening environment that cannot produce highly precise results….also one unit is nice
From friend A and bad to friend B…because listening conditions, ambience, environment, speakers and subjective needs and preferences.

To compare amplifiers and publish the ONE, you will be helping one and creating business problems to others, or if not a business, you will create awfull feelings….when
Time passes….ONE will be eated in the breakfast by Super ONE…. So, you will be cutting heads all time long…this is not something nice.

Now a days, Lifeforce eated Aksa 55 in the breakfast…lucky that both amplifiers belongs to the same man.

Some Holton designs are better than others.

Last Graham Maynard`s amplifiers corrected the old errors the he found…and the next one will be even better.

So, the best behavior, the most adequate procedure, is to tell the qualities of something or
To tell nothing….because to send missiles to other places we already have a lot
Of people doing that…and I want peace, always being the enemie of someone that
Start some strike.

I am opened to help, also the privilege informations that arrive here are valuable to me,
The possibility to be helpful is nice to me, those things turns me happy because give some polishment and my old and damaged ego….. boards with reduced price…free boards,…free schematics…all those things are welcome, in special when I am not too much busy as i am turning, so many amplifiers I have to construct, when people ask silence, not to publish nothing…needing only to know if they could face A or B amplifier.

I use to tell them what I think..directly and inside confidential rules…. If someone
Start to tell that his amplifier is better than other,… I will never confirm…I do not want
To be the tool used to f… functions not adequated related my own feelings.

The best possible amplifier in my point of view is to switch all electronics off and go to
Some alive performance!

They have always something strange…or in dynamics, or in Bass, or in distortion…well,
Always some week point, some colouration…the perfect unit is something I am searching…the best I already have….best to me.... subjective feelings…. And I think maybe the ones I did not listen may be even better than the ones I already have listened.

Also, people appreciate what is expensive, what is pretty, what is heavy and what is complicated…there are persons that believe that fat electrons can produce a more interesting sound.

Also there are people searching for cables with low noise…and there are a lot of big magics in our life.

So…I want to help all of you dream ….. I am against the nighmare…as you may adapt your ears to listen to battery radios…and will be able in matter of minutes to listen deep bass…when there`s no low frequency being transmitted….the portable radio do not
Reproduce sounds under 150 hertz, the 1 inch speaker cannot produce low frequency hi
Pressure on the air…and you go listening….Brain creation, adaptation, delirium or something is always working in our lifes.

No chance to buy theads telling wonderfull unreal things of amplifiers…. No chance to
Have A amplifier killing b amplifiers being published by me in this forum….but, everybody is welcome to send me schematics and to have my free cooperation..also to coment their amplifier`s qualities are free and welcome.

To kill others…. To be very bad….i want a zillion dollars, also that manking turns very nice…. Also that Arabic stay to love Jews…that the rain start from the ground to the skies…and that the summer never stop in my place.

Also one way ticked to another world, as I will not be happy creating problems to hobbie guys, designers, audioholics or business men.

Not only me…but everyone that starts to kill some brand will do it…believe me!, people
Normally be attention to criticisms and do not trust in good evaluation…they always think good words as something paid…and that the criticisms are not paid!

The opposite…criticisms normally pays enormous amounts to the bad guy`s ego.


Oh thanks...i was so hurt..wounded because a dear friend attacked me directly

I was feeling a hell inside my heart, as a good friend understood me in a bad way, saying that i was making a business publishing analisis....what a business!.... receiving nothing...this was done using direct mailing...when in many ocasions people forgeted to say a simple thanks to me .... another friend had forgeted to thank me in his home page, the one corrected under my protest....i did not receive help to construct many models., the ones that gave me spare boards where Hugh Dean and Anthony Holton...God Bless those Gentleman, reason why i have Aussies in the most respectable position, as they feel gratitude and respect our decense.

That good friend that misunderstood me is already forgived, as i had misunderstood him once too...but i was feeling myself really bad...reason why i opened this thread..... with the aid of an old friend, Mr. John Mateus, the one helped me and sugest that i had the obligation to defend myself.

It is good to know that some guys apreciate my person...Stuart Yanigger is not here, and also Planet 10, but i am sure that their absence is for other reason, i know they are good friends of me...Yanniger had proved that twice.

The Forum owner, the responsable, always help me deleting wrong files when i produce some shi. and alwaysaccept my apologizes when i fail. i use to say, with all respect...something i have said many times.

Well Done.! he use to make intervenctions in the correct time, with the authority of someone that knows what he is doing.

Without punish those bad guys, i have watched Weldon re directing bad guys into the rails of decense and respect to be dedicated to the forum and in special, to the forum users...watching his movements i use to write, always.

WELL DONE!...and this sounds as his name, the one that do things correctly.

Thank you all my friends, it is good to be in this forum, i feel this place alike some extension of my home, and the forum guys as some brothers and cousins.



I don't believe anyone here persecutes you.

However, if they do, what does it matter?:angel:

It's only important you live with yourself, your family and your friends - the opinions of others, and entirely for their own reasons, will vary across the spectrum.

I come under some criticism for my products from outsiders (NOT customers!!), but it's water off a duck's back, and it's often quite perplexing that this criticism comes from people who have never even heard my amps!!:confused:

Because you are talkative and frank, some will always find that threatening and try to put you down. But equally, because you are talkative and frank, others will love you!!

The truth is that people can only hurt you if you let them. If you ignore them when they speak, then they have no audience, and their words fall flat.

There is only one conclusion to draw - be true to yourself, say what you think, unless of course you are a politician, and I see little evidence of that.......:clown:


Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi Hugh,
That was well put. The most valuable thing to realize is that there will always be someone who will try to put you down. Don't let them.

Always find comfort in the truth and people you know as friends.

I'm sure that comes from experience! ;)

The one that offended came to me and we made a fair peace

Now he understand me better, was a very old friend Hugh, and those old friends can hurt as, because you perceive in a very deceptive way, that they never had really knew you...i mean..our essence.... our soul let`s say.

The one was testemony of many things i made..hard work made, only to serve, without any interest...and spit those things on me.

Was good that he could understand, and things now are in peace.

Thank you again, you were always a good friend, and your help is something i was really expecting from you.

Already know what you think in are turning transparent to me!


who is offending you who is attacking

you - let me have him let me have him......:D

well, to be serious - I know you Carlos almost a year from now - you have a way of behaving that is probably characteristic for Brazilians (and when someone accept that, it is not a problem to be a good friend to you), but in essence you are the guy that is allways willing to help - the guy that puts his private problems aside when he is needed somewhere - the guy that is producing amps like crazy, like a robot - you have enormous experience related amplifiers - good and i am not surprised that people are contacting you related your opinion about amp subject......
(that was the first reason that i have contacted you almost a year ago).....
well, all in all, you are definetelly not a person that someone need to attack.........
Thank you Sparkle....the one that attacked is now a very good friend once again

I think that the small battle made we perceive how we are important one to each other.

We made peace...i apologize, he apologize and life is a long way to walk near that friend.

There`s enormous ligth in the end of the tunnel, and i am under the sunshine now.


Ventimiglia..hummm..not sure your flag...hummm

Maybe my dear beloved Italy..... from where my grandmother came to Brazil.... from Firenze...Florence, to brazil.

Her name was Danesi...means the one that came from Dennmark...hummm...very cold Dennmark.....hummmmm Vikings!

Va molto bene piace molto tu escrito.

My grandmother is now in the sky...i miss her very much, here her image.




  • grandmother.jpg
    50.4 KB · Views: 143
Gracie, va molto bene fratello, bienvenuto per qui.


People love to see others trying their own language...i love my friends trying Portuguese...i fell this so interesting, funny and beautifull at the same time.....very kind i think...reason why i use to try some words.

Liguria.....yo no conosco, ma e vero que me piace....Liguria i did not visited, but for sure will be nice to me.


It always seems that the ones who are closest to us, can hurt us the most/quickest/worst.

I'm glad that you and your good friend have worked out your differences, and are friends again! :D

I think that sometimes, what starts out as a simple misunderstanding, turns in to a HUGE problem..... Only to be almost laughable...sometime later.

We All need to talk/listen more, and React less! ;)

You are a respected and well loved member here, and with good reason! :)

Although We don't always see things the same way, I hope that one day we can share a glass of wine & a good laugh together!

All The Best!
Tall Shadow
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