Thin Metal Rods for Grills

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I searched but to no avail. I would like to know of USA sources for very thin metal rods that could be used to make decorative speaker grills, the kind with just the widely spaced vertical bars. Hopefully in a gold or copper finish, but I'll take what I can get.

Addendum -

I found basic rods at Home Depot but I'd like to find ones that already have a nice finish and can just be cut to length.

Also, if anyone has made grilles this way I would love to see your designs.

Thanks again.
My 0.02

I think the appearance of this type of grille would be very sensitive to how parallel and straight you can make the rods, so make sure you pay attention to that. Some companies use stretched strings or threads to accomplish the same effect.

I plan to make grilles the same way as you. Of stainless steel. I guess brass works fine too.

It`s easy to give them a nice finish. Put rod in the drill and wrap a cloth with your favorite metal polishing compound around it, and let it spin.
Aengus - Great idea - hadn't thought of that.

Peter M. - great polishing technique - I'll try it with the rods I got at HD. Have you already gotten your stainless steel rods? Where did/will you get them.

R-Carpenter - Thanks! McMaster has a zillion choices.

y8s - Another excellent idea that I hadn't considered - I've been to both types of stores so I don't know why it hadn't occurred to me - I'll pay a visit.

BTW I did find some nice ones at Micro-Mark - a hobby supplier, but I think there are probably better prices out there.

Thanks everybody - this is plenty to go on.
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