• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

The Tube Center

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Thanks for filling in the blanks. As Eusebius said, the fellow referred to above as the "www.thetubecenter.com" has the same street address listed under "Contacts" as does Stan's ESRC business. He must be Stan's web partner, as you say. Both "thetubecenter" and "esrc" have eBay stores selling many of the same products using the same images. I guess they figured that two separate eBay stores would double their exposure. And thanks for providing Stan's new URL. Since this story must be boring to those of you who don't live in Florida, let me end by saying again that dealing with Stan has always been a first-class experience for me. Just leave a few audio tubes for George and me!
Thank you to all of you for your kind words regarding our business and operators. We really do appreciate your business and launched a new site since most of these threads were started that can be reached at http://www.thetubecenter.com. We want to thank all of you for your support and your purchases and welcome you to stop by and see us anytime.

Thank You
The Tube Center Webmaster
I am new to the company here and can not speak for what has happened previously with all the sites. I know that Stan did have a partner before I arrived here in March but, I do not know Jack or never spoke to him. I now manage both http://www.esrcvacuumtubes.com , and http://www.thetubecenter.com for Stan and we are under one store roof, we now maintain both the sites because we still drive and receive traffic from both urls.

Is that helpful?

Thank You,
The Tube Center Webmaster
ZigZag we are extremely busy but always answer the phone I don't think I have ever heard the phone ring without stan answering it. I know he is available now and on the phone but I would say try to give him a call again? here is the number to the store 407-826-9172.

Stan and his wife Stephanie are here late almost every night til after 8:00 pm eastern time.

I am sure that Stan will be more then happy to speak with you and help you get what you need.

Thank You
The Tube Center Webmaster
Must have been the same guy who sold me most of my good finds
at HamCon. Especially the ceramic sockets... I have his flyer here,
ESRC1. Honesty don't recall what personal name he went by.

Anyways, ESRC1 is the real deal, or at least one of them.

He did make a strange comment that he didn't deal in Russian tubes
anymore, that there had been some sort of a problem. But I saw a
few mixed in here and there... He brought mostly NOS to the show,
and a few new production Chinese tubes. I bought some Chinese
6L6GC that seem just fine for what very reasonable prices he was
ESRC1. Honesty don't recall what personal name he went by.

ESRC1 is run by Stan. He and his wife do a lot of hamfests. He does sell new production Chinese Shuguang tubes. I have been buying them from him for 6 or 8 years. He, as you said, doesn't do Russian, but he gets them in sometimes on deals. I was at his place one day and saw boxes full of Sovtek, EH and other Mike Mathews brands. I asked what the deal was and he said that they were "previously auditioned Russian tubes" that he had bought. He asked $10 each, and they were guaranteed. EH KT88's, 6550's 6L6WXT's, EL34's,6CA7's. I bought them all. All worked great. Now you know where I got the glowing KT88's.

Their warehouse is awesome. Stan said that they now have over 3 million tubes. Think about that!

I bought some Chinese 6L6GC

I have seriously abused some of those. I haven't blown one up yet, and I have run them at 44 watts dissipation. I have been using his ceramic sockets in all of my projects too.
Just got in for the week. I am only here 3 days a week so I will not be posting here all the time. But I would say talk to stan. My name is chris and I am only here to take care of their computer work, and web related stuff. I am by no means a tube expert. Stan knows every tube in this warehouse. Which to me seems almost impossible since we have over 3.5 million tubes in our warehouse. So he will get you the tubes you need Poindexter.

Thank You
The Tube Center Webmaster
I was very satisfied with the first two tube orders.

I am waiting on my third order to arrive. I wasn't satisfied with what was sent to me so I contacted Jack. I sent the tubes back and I am waiting for different tubes to arrive at my mailbox. Jack seems like a stand up type of guy but I must admit I am getting anxious for my tubes. I'm sure they will arrive any day now.:apathic:
3rd order status?

Just wanted to check in with you to make sure you received your 3rd order from us. I know that we will be out at the Hamfest all this weekend but if you had not received it I will talk to Stan the minute I see him on Monday. Just post a reply on this thread or email us at customerservice@thetubecenter.com, if we already took care of your 3rd order, or if you still have not received it. I am extremely sorry for you not getting your tube yet if that is still the case.

Thank You
The Tube Center Webmaster (chris)

My order was processed and shipped on the 18th of July and I received it the 21st of July. I was very unhappy with the tubes sent to me so I emailed Jack and sent them back. I have been waiting since then. The order number is 6048 and I can send you a copy of the sales receipt if you need it.

To m understanding everything is worked out now?

Per your conversations yesterday everything should be worked out?

We didn't know that you had required the tubes you ordered to be matched, on the order.

Please specify next time if you need your tubes matched when ordering otherwise we will not know that is what is needed.

We are shipping today, and sorry for the confusion.

The Tube Center Webmaster (chris)
I'm glad that my call to your store finally straightened things up. I never realized that asking for the same brand of tubes when purchasing pairs of tubes could cause such a problem and I now know to specify that I want the same brand when purchasing for example (2) 6SN7's and that way I do not get one Westinghouse and one Realistic for example.

I do appreciate you taking charge and seeing that my month old problem is finally taken care of. I am not a large purchaser by any means because I only spent $60-100 a month in tubes. It will be reassuring to know that I can purchase from one firm and get what I need instead of buying off eblay.
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