The Rushmore with Blue LED's??

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since it's a static presentation i don't think it really matters ;)

of most importance would seem to be thier weight bearing properties!!

((such beautiful amps!!))

(((hope they were handing out drool buckets at the entrance to the room!)))
I humbly apologise for my post:

I have been accused of tanning by the clipping LED 's on a set of HD-1's but this, well:

Lead apron, gonad shield - $75 each
List: $200. MedCon: G. By bar x-ray products, 0.5 mm lead equivalent.

3 units in stock.


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Huh! I've got my car keys in my hand. I'm on the way out there. I wanna hear the not-so-public version.
Sadly, the only decent radio station in the entire bloody state is up near Rock Hill (aimed at the Charlotte market just across the border in NC). I'm on the very outermost fringe of their broadcast pattern; some places in town I can tune them in on my car radio, most places not. My house happens to be in a 'not' zone. I sold my tuner years ago. I don't want to think what it would cost to buy one that would do the job.

The Rushmore Granite Near Ultraviolet light Blues.........

cyclotronguy said:
The leds are done in house.... in homage to Pavel Cherenkov .
Now we can say response of Rushmore is nearly DC to daylight (near ultraviolet anyway)

Ok, I have to say it - these speakers rock best when playing 'blues' yeah ????.

Eric / - Haha, I get to mix these rock/blues guys every Friday night - pure sonic pleasure.
Good Gets Better ?.......

Rod Yamashita had this to say last year -

"Now, having had a chance to catch my breath a little, I realize I had been a bit overwhelmed by the Vegas, CES, Cardas binding post sale, and meeting the Pass Labs crew (and winning Jam’s contest). I further realize hadn’t really given my thoughts on the Rushmore. So here they are.

I had a few chances to sit and listen to the Rushmore during my time at the show. I was able to listen to a variety of music and vocals at various levels. When I first arrived, Kent, at the request of a listener was playing some orchestral piece at 116db at the listener (according to an RS SPL meter). The sound was effortless. Kent’s comments somewhere was that there was some headroom to spare. There was no hint of the amps running out steam. From this it was clear that the Rushmore is very capable and highly listenable.

I later got a chance to hear other material, both vinyl and CD, at more reasonable levels. The Rushmore loudspeaker system (Alephs included) were always accurate, engaging, and enjoyable to listen to. Not being a pro critic, you certainly need to take me with a grain of salt, but there are speakers that sound very good, and then there are speakers that not only sound very good, but they just seem to involve you in the music. The Rushmore is the latter. Add to this the granite and vacuum molded cherry wood laminate cabinetry, and the Aleph amplifiers, and you have a loudspeaker system worthy of being a Pass Labs product.

The sound of the Rushmore is no accident. Many kudos are due Nelson, Kent, Desmond, and the Pass Labs crew in developing this jewel of a speaker system.

Thanks again to Nelson and the Pass Labs crew for the hospitality showed me. It was truly my pleasure.

Rodd Yamashita "

Pass Crew, apart from the led's, any other evolutions ?.

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