The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Our national food, the kroket : Croquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also a standard snack in the Dutch Antilles, but there they have a variety with a queen conch filling, aka as kroket di karko.
In the Netherlands, I know of two places where I can get a conch kroket, one at a hundred miles distance.
I always stop by for one when I'm in the neighborhood, the queen conch turned out highly addictive for a foodie as myself.

[shrimp (dutch ones) or crawfish krokets, homemade ones by myself, come second]
A few years ago my wife and I got to go snorkeling off the coast of Belize. The local who took us out was picking conch off the sea floor and giving us the inedible part to bait the sharks and rays. The best part of the day was when he cooked the conch on a hotplate in his tiny boat with coconut milk hot sauce and lime juice. Served on white bread...texture was like a giant scallop. I have had conch many times since but it never matches my memory of that day.


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Jacco - a former colleague at work that spent some time in the Netherlands working for Philips described a somewhat utilitarian attitude of the Dutch towards food ("food as fuel"). Maybe I should revise that estimate. Maybe he overlooked the influence of the colonies, as is the case with "British cusine". I'm reminded of the old joke of "Euro Heaven" vs. "Euro Hell".
Maybe my colleague never had a rijstaffel...