The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

What to do with a sh*t rolling dog! Just throw him in the nearest stream.


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Joined 2006
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What to do with a sh*t rolling dog! Just throw him in the nearest stream.

Here, in the (former) Colonies, doing such a thing will require an environmental impact report, a hazardous materials permit, and several state and county licenses..... I'm not positive, bit I think that the air resources people might want a piece of the pie az well.....

OTOH - if you can get a dachshund to roll you sum sh*t - rather that roll in it - well that's a different stream to go swim up.... :D


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    Jamaican Dachshund.jpg
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Little fibber is doing his best to keep hold of it... look at picture again.

He does act like grumpy old git and another one do worry about him straining his back in damp fall chill
But under the raving lunatic’s antics and weaving tratenegly with Zimmer frame we know that he is a lamb
(to dachshund that is)

He is 'launching' the dog so that he does not land on a rock. I have seen this action everytime we go fishing. The full procedure is throw the dog in, then rub him with grass, then throw him in again! Dog hates it!:D

BTW, that little fibber had a heart attack in late summer 2012.
This summer he rode a bicycle from John o Groats to LAnd's End ... full length of the UK in a charity ride. He can easily walk steep 3000' hills, has driven an old Toyota from Scotland to the Korean Border and back. All of this has contributed more than £15,000 to charities. He is the toughest guy I have met who is more than 45 years old. He also speaks Italian, Geman, French and Spanish fluently (bit of Scotty accent though!) ....and he can spell!! Only problem is that he is hyper-active 24/7. He also caused an attempted knife weilding mugger to end up in A&E...he was 63-4 then!:cool:

Nearly forgot to mention......he has run 25+ Marathons and 7 double marathons, is a deadly long-range rifle shot and is an ex scratch golfer...(his son is a long driving competitor, regularly averaging 425 yards plus.)
UH did you notice the little fibber yes?
I do call him many other things as well but do not mean any of them is just the PUB yes? A bit off "let your hair down (sorry doing it again, forget the hair) chill out and forget (or not) the wheatear outside.

About the story again this is just the Pub yes?
Seems like you don't know the rules here (who does?)

Do a bit of a reality check and post sumthink really embarrassing about yourself.:D

As BkS (also known here as Red Volvo) says is harmless joking and jousting...the lances have very soft tips.

He is right....write something embarrassing about yourself - he does every time he posts on this forum! :D:D:D:p Mind you, he works very hard...mainly at keeping out of his SWMBO's way, so he is often very tired when he posts, consequently he has many spelling errors or simply gets things wrong. But, come to think of it, most 'talians are like that.;)

BTW. Everything I wrote about my friend Bill IS true; he is one hell of a guy. When I had that fall last week he was there; when it was clear that my no bones were broken, he said "you had us worried then, Brian" I replied " What? I was even more worried" He told me "You're just being f''king selfish":mad: He is also one hell of a good salmon fisherman...far better than I am.:mad: His best quality is that he always does everything he says he will do....very reliable.

How is your daughter getting on? Have you taught her how to solder yet?
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All true apart that I am lazy dodo that cant be bothered to use spell check thingies and that brain at time moves to fast for fingers (or fingers are to slow for brain that really is not that fast at all) whichever excuses you like at other times things came out which me myself and I find amusing
Keeping out of SWMBO.... yup that is me 100%
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no! you missunderstand me.

i get the playing in the pub. i just didnt know if the guy in the picture was nicknamed little fibber or that he told fibs. i get it now.

i understand it now. i wasnt thinking negative.

funny story about me...... i got married twice.

havent gotten to soldering 101 with her yet, but i did with her brother. she not old enough yet i think.
i did teach her how to clean records.... we do that every time we play records.
funny story about me...... i got married twice.

i did teach her how to clean records.... we do that every time we play records.

Twice ????? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

NO PLease keep an apparence of standards we do not realy need to know whos holding the record and who goes around it...

Come off it BkS.........just face up to the fact that you are a lazy 'talian dodo: but they all are I suppose.:checked:


What just said so what did I miss.?

My Missus, without my knowledge, read the screen over my shoulder.

She said that "you(we) DoDos need to get a life." :scratch:

and she was not making a cheap joke...she was serious. She now wants to get me checked out because I laughed myself (more) stupid at her remark!!


Hey we need more bobbies pictures here