The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Whatever it is BkS, your doctor didn't prescribe it.


Me finking to keep relation to Canadian Original languagge but never mind that

Dam right doctor did not prescribe Is nearly impossible to get script from saw bone in the UK
one need to ring first first thing in the morow and speack with nurse tell her what is wrong
Then,just when one go to loo normaly.
Doctor call back and maybe decide to give you apointment or fob you off with usual is just virus thingie

Me need more champmix nicotine inibitors 0.5 mg tabs and got to do all that explain that I wants the 0.5mg 50 tabs othervise they give me just 12 and got to pay for the script 4 times
Also got to tell them that I don't give a dodo about how expensive those are me pay £300 montly in national insurance and me vant's them capish!
and which pub dummie is this showing his good dress sense and remarkable physique?


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