The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Dodo mussel is Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad Realy Realy Baaaaaaaaaaad
Litle bughers live by eating any crap in the water and are especialy fond of crap
or mercury and even more nasty chemical crap
Unless I catch them or somebody I know does I stay well away.....
Sitting on ceramic harm chair for a few days is wery least one can espect if unluky to eat just one bad one.

I suppose Cal knows this qiute well so this for rest of general population that may be tempted...
In the meantime I thought I would show you guys what else I've been up to. Your remember the Cornucopyas from last month? Well, they just had a couple baby brothers. 50cm this time and all foam, no wood. The spiral was rounded out a bit too.

Little Jordan drivers no bigger than tweeters. I must be getting soft in my old age, building these cute little speakers. ;)


  • IMG_1012.jpg
    74.8 KB · Views: 91
  • IMG_1020.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 83 says so on the label!:D

Seriously though, they sound wonderful.

Having eaten (pigged on) mussels at both lunch and dinner one day in France, I suffered a most violent dose of food poisioning! It was far from enjoyable as it lost me 3 days of holiday, about 7 lbs weight, and was very painful indeed. :mad:From then I stayed away from shellfish for over a year. Then started back - but with care. However I am careful not to pig on them any more as I would have to double my dose of statins!

Yet I remember a night with a box of just flown in S.African crayfish...dribble, dribble, dribble.

Enjoy 'em Cal.:)
Thanks but I have to come clean now. This recipe is very good. I get offers from girls when I cook them at a party. Offers I can't tell my wife about. It's a recipe that we developed close to 20 years ago and is so popular, I get told, not asked, told to do them at our get-togethers. You've never had them in a restaurant. Most places are stuck in the 'black bean syndrome' or a wine sauce or something equally boring and haven't a clue how good mussels can be. Personally I don't eat them. I like clams and oysters but not a fan of mussels. That said, I have eaten so many of these that I can't eat them anymore. I just make them for everyone else. Tonight I make them for my honey. That way I get kisses. :)