The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread


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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Pretty much right I'd say. After meeting all your child's friends and their parents you realize that a lot of it is luck, so I didn't take any credit. I now take 25% credit since my son is 22 and not a criminal, and in fact a great guy.

Very satisfying if things come out pretty well. Especially when sometimes they embody the advice you gave, and more importantly the example you set. Only better. Sometimes a bad example helps too! ;)


I've been already warned. Maybe too much :D. I also received dire warnings when I got married. What I have concluded up to now is: 50% is true, other 50% is not. 50% is luck, the other 50% is hard work and (life) management. Regarding kids. Seen really different types. From sweet and nice to really hyperactive ones who would overturn the whole place in less than 30 I guess again that the same rule applies: 50% luck, 50% hard work/management/education/creativity...
Joined 2011
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As my best friend told me before mine came. I wont tell you how it is because theres no way to prepare anyway. Kids are great, period. I just taught mine to bicycle. Daddy dripping of sweat and son giggling of proudness.

Say hello to your new life Vix, its gonna be great!