The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

The original frying pan method

You should try coffee in France.

Traditional French coffee à la maison is made in a regular cooking pot on the stove.
What's left goes in the fridge, to reheat on the stove the next day, or the next, or the next.

Turkish is espresso with several dissolved cigaret buds on the bottom, lack of cigaret paper residu is a sign of quality.
ZM is bud effendi(m) ?
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You should try coffee in France.

Traditional French coffee á la maison is made in a regular cooking pot on the stove.
What's left goes in the fridge, to reheat on the stove the next day, or the next, or the next.

Turkish is espresso with several dissolved cigaret buds on the bottom, lack of sigaret paper residu is a sign of quality.

Don't get me started on coffee. I LUV coffee!
"To hint at the special magic of our 10Y/SIT1 encounter descriptively, envision a man living by himself perfectly self-reliant, content and complete. His inner feminine side is properly cultivated, nothing is missing. Yet it's not the same as suddenly having a real woman's touch manifest itself in his home and life. The SIT by itself was that perfect man. An ordinary preamp mated to it became an ordinary woman insisting on too many accommodations and changes. Give and take. Meddling. The 10Y preamp was the perfect womanly touch. No compromises. Completion of the already complete." Srajan Ebaen

Interpretation according to Melon Head:
The 10Y-SIT combo sounds farkin awesome. Aaaahhhhh fark it. The SIT amps by Nelson Pass are the best farkin amps I ever heard.

I reckon I should become a reviewer :rofl:
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Speaker Shoot Out Round 1

Usher Dome tweeter vs Foster Horn
And the winner is:
Dome Tweeter

It will be interesting when my other speakers show up.


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