The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

I can't stand it when they have those really smart guys on the telly

Especially PhD's in nutrition with a tanning salon ticket, who explain to the viewers that it's made from corn (and dogs).

If i could it all over, i'd get an MSc in psychology too, boink 150 psych chicks while at it.
Then move to California to write diet books for suckers, and eat a million corn dogs.

While in hospital, after losing 55lb in 2 weeks time, due to failed kidneys, they sent me a Dr Nutrition over for a diet advice.
Guy looked like a bearded scarecrow, ready to drop in a hole, told me that the 160lb was actually only a few pounds off my ideal weight.

Well Doc, i'm back at +260lb for many years now, and feeling multiple times better.
Thank you, and Up Yours, Mate !
(and guess where you can stick your whole wheat stuff)
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Well I have never actually had a corn dog before so I suppose I'm safe.

I've had a few Corn Dollies......long time ago tho'!:):):)

Often the later appeared to be Corn Dogs!:D:D:D


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even better in vivo

Even better if one worked with such machines, and never ever will have to listen to that sound again.

(back in the early '80s, a CT room was out every other week, computer section had constant excessive heat issues. Meant continuous rescheduling and late night and weekend overtime to catch up, which never happened, always a month minimum waiting list)