The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

I'm wondering where the Proprietor dis joint iz - must still be sleeping it off under greazy rock somewhere.
I don't know about this younger generation of Dummies - they just seem to show up whenever the mood fancies them. I think I'll help myself to another freebee as long as no one is around to keep an eye on the tap....:cheers:

PUBlic holiday in Europe...All stayed in bed. They may get up tomorrow....or the day after.:rolleyes:

Proprietor last seen selling hotdogs to tourists from Utah! He certainly has put on is good it seems! Threw one at that nice girl from Utah...that will teach her to speak ZM English!


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Joined 2006
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How come he's always cooking some form of tube steak?

He likes da tube amps too - hmmmmmmmmmmm:rolleyes:

I'm wondering what sorta thing he iz cook'n in the pot - sorta looks like my Mrs. balls of knitting yarn.....

A word of caution is called for here: My Mrs. has balls of yarn - if ya wanna make sum smartazz remark about her having fuzzy balls you should be warned that she packs a big ol' cast iron skillet - and she knows how to use it... :h_ache:


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Joined 2006
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As long as you came along

Once they get started with "litle" chat whos going to stop them?

U R just beginning to get my point..... If they get along you won't be able to stop them - and if they don't get along you won't hear the end of it. Either way - you are gonna have your hands full!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd - that is just the "chat" portion of things - if they get around to shopping - well - need I say more?:rolleyes: