The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
Paid Member
I like the little painting in the right wall but the light needs to be re-aimed a little bit.

All of the fella's in the photo are non-Irish so that leads me to assume that the Irish member's of audio club are playing darts over at the pub - or crawling their way back home...... (I'm Irish so I can say that).:D:D:D

BTW - is number 70 BD coming for you tomorrow? Or wuz that last week?
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
In fact - if you looked carefully enough you would have noticed - that beam is bearing on two external pylons and that the speaker system is thus suspended from the beam giving a fully floating speaker system! disconnected from the listening room except by signal wiring!!!;););)

I had a system based on the hovercraft principle ... another failure as I failed to allow for the fact that the required thrust required x2 RR Merlin engines which produced some 220+ Db just to keep steady hover position. As for the "Sweet Spot" that was some 8.5 miles away.:D:D:D

Of course the now redundant Harrier VTOs :cool:were then too busy in air displays and they wouldn't let be borrow a couple for experimental purposes.:p

Dummy - dis is da answer!!!! :D:D:D


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Like the eaglepig......we used to shoot them back in Ireland.

The painting was ruined when the 'decorator', thinking it was just a bright repair on the wall, painted the picture white. It is left there as it is a good conversation piece. No that is not the audio club. That is - as I have already said - the one-man-band.:mad:

On astrological tables the BD is at approx. 20.10 tonight, but on calander tomorrow which proves that you get older faster than you think you do.:rolleyes:
Joined 2006
Paid Member
On astrological tables the BD is at approx. 20.10 tonight, but on calander tomorrow which proves that you get older faster than you think you do.:rolleyes:

I am sure that solder spattered GF will help you keep track of that....:D:D:D

Sooooooooooooooo - Happy Birthday!!!! And may you have many-many more dumb BD's to come!!!! :Present:

Currently have flock of flying pigs going past house and migrating north after Cancun spring break ......... :cool::cool::cool:


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On a serious and apologetic note, the pics of the horns used earlier were the work of Be Yamamura who is a legend in many serious audio circles. You may well remember these cork speakers - the ones shown were the first design using modified Lowther drivers - which developed to really big speakers using Be's own drivers. I heard these rather a lot and got to know them quite well. I don't think that the measurement brigade would necessarily accept them, but anyone who loves music could not but be impressed with their capabilities when driven by a full be system. During the may visits I made to stay with Be and Keiko when they lived in Italy I heard many of the top money no object systems in other people's homes.....although some were sonically extremely impressive, none did for me what those horns did, other than, perhaps, a very simple pair of single driver I/B speakers which lacked both top and bottom extremes but which brought everything else into an uncanny presence of reality.

Years before that when Be lived in London [and was making 211 based SETs - again deservedly a legend, but with few of these out there very few have had the privilege of hearing them-] I had the envious position of hearing virtually everything he had made. Many of these were amplifiers made quickly to test a theory and just as quickly dismantled again. We were discussing the WE 300B - which I had never heard. Be responded by making a mono channel on the floor of his workshop. It was working within 15 minutes and Be had not referred to any drawing whatsoever.:)

LAstly I took numerous photos with - an' don't laugh ya dummie - a SWISS camera (An Alpa 11Si - the original factory prototype) which was both unreliable and very badly matched to the flash gun I was using. Most were unprintable. I will scan some negs and see if I can rescue a few interesting ones.

Later he marketed his range of cables which were much loved but again somewhat scarce.

The last I heard was that he became very ill whilst in South America but has it seems made an excellent recovery and is living again in Japan.

The pic of the Yamamura/Ale (BEAM!) system is from Italy where Eugenio Lazzari has the most amazing audio business aptly called "Non Solo Musica" I don't know the other Italians so apologies to them too.
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Joined 2006
Paid Member
On a serious and apologetic note, the pics of the horns used earlier were the work of Be Yamamura

Ahhhhhhh - sooooooooooo Now ya are being sneaky dummy!!!! :D:D:D

I was pretty sure that Be didn't look quite Irish enough to be Irish. But then my Irish relatives will marry or adopt about anyone into the family and they are automatically considered as part of the family and thus 2nd hand Irish!!!! ;)

Life is so enriched by being around wonderful people such as Be Yamamura - and we are privileged to have some of those wonderful people here at diyAudio!!! :D:D:D

I took a look around to see if I could see what Be is doing now - but the latest info I could find was from CES 2005 and he was hawking some special electrical outlets at the show.
I think he wuz looking for a place to poop as a comment on quality of DD TT ...... It's a Dachshund - but not one of my Dachshunds..... Love dem doggy's!!!! :D:D:D

Best badger and wild boar dogs ever! THey can be a bit nocturnal though. I used to keep Labradors and English Pointers for shooting with. But all of that stuff is blood thirsty and no longer quite to my (now) more refined tastes. I know the wire-haired version best - two live nearby and are scared of our cat!!:p I do miss having a few dogs around the place.

Those suckling eaglepigs taste wonderful, plucked, stuffed and roast over a Pass F6!
So do the other birds...but leave out the roasting!
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my fave 'hunds

"Jethro" is of course Scottish. He has invested very widely in starting new businesses in areas of unemployment. Fort example he started and owns probably the best salmon smoking business in Scotland. He does much to give the poorer areas both dignity of work and real employment. Good man Ian Anderson.

I have to scan the negs for the other pics so it will be a few days before I can post more.