The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Joined 2006
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Dear Thomas,
It is thanks for my new musical discovery mostly.
And to you, my friend!

You are very welcome Gyuri – Don McLean sang and recorded some nice songs and I enjoy listening to him when I’m in the mood for a bit of folk music and acoustic guitar. Gordon Lightfoot is another folk singer from days past that I have enjoyed as well, and of course, Dylan’s early works in the ‘60’s. I need to take them in small measures though – or else I will wind up on some shrinks couch sniffling about why the color yellow makes me sad.

GEICO - Sarge - YouTube


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Joined 2006
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I see our friend Thomas has his team playing the one from New Orleans. I still have a soft spot for all the bad that occurred to such a wonderful city during the evils of Katrina. I see also that the visitors are favoured by 3.5. Perhaps with a little luck and some hard work, Thomas' team can overcome those obstacles.

I started supporting the "Titans" when my dear Mrs. tied me up and had 'em load me into the back end of a moving van. My all-time favorite team is from my California days - the S.F. 49er's!!! It's great that they are finally doing well again this year - and now I guess I have two teams to cheer for.

As far as the Titans beating New Orleans - that's a hard call but I have to give the edge to the Saints. If they win this game they go to the playoffs and that's bonus $$$$ time so they start to get serious about those things. OTOH - the Titans must win this game to keep their play-off chances alive - so that has their attention as well. Who gives a peep about playing for the love of the game???? We are talking serious bonus $$$ here!!!

The Saint's have a better win loss record than the Titans and are the better team - so we will have our work cut out for us - but then that's why you have to play the game.


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Joined 2006
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I am now came across the music of these three young Arab man for my unspeakable pleasure:
Le Trio Joubran, Safar- ???? ?????? ??? |oud - ??? - YouTube
But the point is in a nutshell is what I quoted from you now.:)

Thank you for the link Gyuri - I did find that music enjoyable :D:D:D

You might enjoy this link to Craig Chaquico who is also from Sacramento and used to play often at our night club (before he went big time of course). At the time he was so young (less than 18 y/o) I would have to escort him from the club door directly to the stage to play due to state laws about performing in a place where alcohol was being consumed. :eek:

Craig Chaquico Electric Acoustic Guitar - YouTube

BTW - my team did not win today - but they put up a good contest right up to the last play of the game. Our starting quarterback was injured about half way through the game and the 1st year rookie (Jake Locker) came out to fill in and I must say did a very nice job of things for a rookie. The Titans are in a rebuilding phase of things and this young man is a big part of the teams future and I think the Titans found someone they can build a team around. I will be looking forward to seeing him develop in the coming years!!!
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The one and only
Joined 2001
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Are those Grey whales? Are they headed south? They may be on their way to Baja California seeking warmer waters

This is the start of migration for the Gray whales, but it looked like these
were part of a local pod, as they were hanging out close in. The migrating
whales are usually about a quarter or half mile out, and they are traveling.

When migration is in full swing, you can see a spout every couple of

There are supposed to also be Humpbacks and Orcas, but it's not so
easy to tell.

I have never experienced whale watching before, but one of the most peaceful things I have ever experienced happened while diving in Key West. I found an alley way in between some coral reef and managed to position myself in such a way that allowed me to float back and forth with the tide and yet stay in between the two reefs. While floating there for about 30 minutes I watched the sea life around me continue on as if I wasn't even there. There was a nurse shark that was moving slowly in and out of crevices down near the ocean floor, barracuda cruising above me as if they were the guards of the ocean. It felt awesome to be in an environment where I didnt belong yet be able to fully enjoy every aspect of it. Best part was rolling on my back and watching the bubbles float to the surface and all the little fish who were to curious to leave them alone. I love the ocean and hope to spend many hours diving in the future. There is nothing like it.